Thinking about Lead Generation - Part 7

Oct 05, 2023 8:29 pm


(Listen to this newsletter - AI Generated)

Over the past 6 days I have sent a series of emails with some thoughts about lead generation for services. Lead generation is a very vast topic to cover in just a week and few emails.

Broadly we have touched upon 3 aspects of lead generation.

  1. The audience
  2. The offer
  3. The communication

Let us summarise the steps in this email

Our target market is not a series of demographic or psychographic variable that can be defined on a powerpoint slide. It is a mistake to think that only one type of demography will sign up for our services. It's not that straight forward. Nope, it's way more interesting!

People don't buy stuff just because they fit a certain demographic. They buy because they want to solve a problem or make their lives better. Take Nike, for example. They pitch their shoes to athletes, but older folks love them too – it's all about those knees feeling good!

A different demography can use the same product for a completely different reason.

Now, your services? They're the solution to someone's problem. Don't just brag about your skills. First, figure out what pain you're relieving for your clients. Your skills and experience come into picture after a client considers the service to be the right fit for them.

To attract clients you have to communicate with them at the level of problem awareness. And you messages should be at least at the same stage of market sophistication as the rest of the firms. Don't oversimplify if they know their stuff, and don't get too technical if they're just dipping their toes.

Positioning yourself in the market as the right solution provider is important. Being THE solution provider means focus. It also means that you should not try to offer many services. Focus on the problem, then solve the problem with your skills.

In the era of short attention spans and infinite channels finding your clients is a task. Identify where they hang out, what content they consume, who they follow online. Then add value in all these places. Build the association between the clients problem and your ability to solve it, in their minds.

Be memorable.

And finally, be consistent in your effort to reach the clients. It's a journey, and you have opportunities to refine your approach over and over again.

Remember that it's a global market. There are plenty of clients out there.


Anoop Kurup

(Read the older newsletters)
