Automate Content Creation - Process & Plan

Oct 10, 2023 11:01 pm


(Listen to the newsletter here - AI Generated)

Did you watch the video on gather information and generating ideas with Google Alerts and AI?

You can watch it here:-

Before we dive into the AI-powered content creation? We should plan what we want to achieve with automation l!

Write down you goals.

My goal over the next couple of weeks is to automate each step of content creation. Creating a fully automate content creation engine for myself.

Here is the broad process that I want to automate.

1. Information Gathering

The first is information gathering in and around our topic of interest. We will use automation tools to scout the internet, books, articles, even social media stuff – text, images, and audio. Then gather all this data in a place.

Then we will sort the data and keep the information that is useful to us. This information should be useful in content creation.

2. Summarising Info and Brainstorming

There is too much information out there. Even with narrow and well defined filters we will end up with too much data. We will use AI to summarise the information which is useful.

3. Mix 'n' Match Ideas

Gathering information, categorising, and summarising is great, if we want to become curators. I assume that the content engine we build should also convey our unique perspective and experience. All of it mixed within the context of the latest news.

We will use AI to mix and match ideas, add our tone of voice, and opinions. This will generate a list of ideas that is uniquely ours.

4. AI-Generated Write-ups

Now, let’s get to the fun part – AI can draft content! So, we will figure out the right prompts to do it!

5. Time to Polish

AI lays the foundation, but we have be the editor-in-chief. Check for errors, add our own anecdotes, and make it uniquely ours.

6. Content for every platform

AI will help us transform our first draft into various content formats. We will lay down some conditions for each content format.

a. Articles: We decide the tone and style.

b. Social Media Posts: Snappy and tailored for every platform.

c. Video Scripts: Keeps our audience hooked.

d. Podcast Scripts: Ensures smooth conversations.

e. Newsletters: AI gets the ball rolling, we add the personal touch.

7. AI-Enhanced Editing

After generating the content, AI can help refine it even more. Grammar, style, tone – we will use AI and other tools to get it right.

8. Publishing

By this stage the content should be ready for publishing. We can automate this step too. Although, I personally will prefer to control this step to ensure everything is in order.

And that's it.

That's the process we will automate with AI.

Do you have suggestions? Or do you have a different process for content creation? Let me know by replying to this email.


Anoop Kurup

(Read older newsletters)
