Whose book next?

Hi!How is April going? I hope you are safe and healthy and reading something fun! If you're out of reading ideas, then as usual, I have some recommendations below.As I am working on my scheduling plan (yes, I have to schedule which books I want to wr...

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Apr 15, 2022
I need your help

Hi!I hope the sun is shining and the weather is perfect where you are, the perfect sky over your heads with no threat of war.Speaking of... I need your help.I do not talk about causes often, but everyone's heard about the situation in Ukraine at the...

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Apr 07, 2022
750+ FREE romance books

Hiya!April is upon us and with it April fools day!Do you guys do pranks on this day? Has anything fun happened to you in the past on this day? I would love to hear your stories.When I was little we would always, always prank our grandmother. And she...

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Mar 31, 2022
Giveaway winners!

Hi Happy St. Patrick's day even if you're not Irish (I know I am not.) How is march going for you?I've had one the best birthday's ever this year. As you may know, I have traveled to Abu-Dhabi on vacation. But on my birthday I went to Dubai for one d...

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Mar 18, 2022
Cover Reveals, extra scenes and a birthday!

Good morning, day, or evening, whenever you're reading this.I hope you are doing well!For the first time since I've started this writing journey, I am officially on vacation! I took 10 days off and flew away from cold, snowy winter into a hot and hum...

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Mar 04, 2022
New Release! An Offer from the Marquess

Hi!Happy Release day to me!I am here with amazing news! An Offer from the Marquess is finally out! If you pre-ordered your copy it should be on your e-reader by now. If you haven't, then you can buy it now or get it for free in Kindle Unlimited.Buy N...

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Feb 22, 2022
Sneak Peek! Fun facts, ARCs and more

Hi Happy Valentines day if you celebrate!I had another celebration recently - a Book Anniversary! Book 1 in the Necessary Arrangements series, A Deal with the Earl, turned 1 years old on February 10th!I was planning to celebrate with a cake and screa...

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Feb 18, 2022
Which era do you prefer?

Hi I hope you are safely tucked away in your home during winter storms. Unless, of course, you're on the other side of the equator, in which case you are probably enjoying summer!I love winter. My favorite activities in winter are reading while I wat...

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Feb 04, 2022
Eight books for the price of one!

Hi How is 2022 treating you? I have to say, this year barely started and it's already been rough. I had a lot of plans for the beginning of 2022: visit my family, meet an old friend I hadn't seen for years, go to a well deserved beach vacation. Howev...

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Jan 21, 2022
New Box set, FREE books & a Gift!

Hi Happy Holidays!I hope you’re doing well this fine winter day. I have news, free books, new releases and just some updates for you.Let’s start from the start.Today I released my box set of The Shadows series! First three books are bundled together...

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Jan 08, 2022