Free ways to get Seducing Her Wicked Rogue

Happy April!In my last email I mentioned that I moved to Malta and a few of you pointed out that I forgot to attach pictures. Duh!So I decided to share a couple of pics with you of my new habitat. I've always wanted to live by the sea, and aside from...

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Apr 18, 2023
Freebies and sales from me and my friends!

Hiya!I'll be super quick today.Today is the quarterly free romance books day!And I made my book Return of the Wicked Earl (The Shadows, book 1) free for this event!Free book!So if you haven't checked it out, today would be a perfect day to do so. Add...

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Mar 31, 2023
Audiobooks, pre-orders, upcoming sales!

Happy March!What are you reading? My Kindle is currently full of amazing new reads. Next on my schedule is a new release from Cara Maxwell:New Release!Have you read this book? Or any other books from Cara Maxwell? I've read a few, and all of them out...

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Mar 18, 2023
Let's party, It's my birthday!

Happy March!Welcome to my most favorite month of the year. Mostly, because it's the month of my birthday. And today is the day! I am officially 33.Right now, I am lying in the hotel room in Egypt, typing this. I always like to take a trip on my birth...

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Mar 06, 2023
Paperback sale, possible signings and... a giveaway?

Happy February!I hope you had a wonderful valentines day whether it was with your honeys, your families, or curled up with a book. I have a question for you... Have you ever attended live book signing events? If not, would you like to attend one? I a...

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Feb 18, 2023
Name a Rogue or two

Happy February!Have you ever wondered about the writing process of your favorite authors? Well, if you were ever interested in my writing habits buckle up, or get a cup of tea, because I am about to spill some secrets.I am currently working on a few...

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Feb 03, 2023
Did you win the book mail?

How is 2023 treating you?I am currently back in my home country (Kazakhstan), eating tasty meaty foods, and looking out the window at the snow covered streets. Do not worry, I am writing as well. I am working on the few projects at once, because it's...

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Jan 20, 2023
Merry Christmas! Celebrate with over 800 free books

Hiya!I'll be super quick today.Today is the quarterly free romance books day!And I made my book An Agreement with the Soldier free for this event!Free book!So if you haven't checked it out, today would be a perfect day to do so. You can get it along...

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Dec 26, 2022