Hey !Being in lockdown has definitely had its advantages when it comes to self discovery.Its definitely brought upon an interesting outlook on the subject of procrastination.Is it a bad thing?Most seem to think so.In this weeks email I’m going to tal...
Hey !This week has been an interesting one.I'm discovering that I have a passion for acting.Which is a completely different avenue of expressing myself which I had no idea existed apart from learning about it these past couple of weeks.The key to lif...
Hey !I hope you’re enjoying your Sunday.This week has all been about energy for me.When it comes to our own personal energy it's honestly the fuel that helps us to be the best we can be.Weather it be physical changes or any changes in life they all r...
Hey !I hope you’ve had a great week:)This week I’m so proud of how much my clients have improved throughout our 12 week digital course.There are so many courses that focus on delivering great info.Which is awesome.in order to make sure what you learn...
Hey !This week I’ve asked a lot of internal questions to myself.As a result I got some great answers.Most of the time we get great answers to pending life questions when the voice in our head is quiet.So let’s have a look at the outcome.Read time- ab...
Hey !This week I took half the week off to refocus.I'm glad I did because I’ve come to some great realisations.It’s important to have peace in your heart.When there is no war to fight.So this little gem was my inspiration for this weeks emailRead tim...
Hey !So I've been practicing a lot of martial arts in lockdown and I did around 800 reps of various kicks and punches a couple of days ago and I thought to myself that this sort of level of repetition is going to bring out excellence given it's done...
Hey !So this week I've only trained once and it got me thinking.When is the best time to put the pedal to the metal and when is the best time to stop?The reality is we can't have one without the other.There is no work without rest and their is no res...
Hey !So it's the first week I've been working 2 seperate jobs.One in sales and one in fitness.It's been a big week to say the least.With discomfort comes growth.and that's what this weeks email is going to be all about.So get ready for some words of...
Hey !This week I landed a sales job with the best sales compony in Australia this week and it really got me thinking.An opportunity has a way of presenting itself to us when we're ready for it.Which drew the inspiration for this weeks email.SO LETS G...