17th edition of Maximum Monday.
Oct 05, 2020 2:31 am
Hey !
Being in lockdown has definitely had its advantages when it comes to self discovery.
Its definitely brought upon an interesting outlook on the subject of procrastination.
Is it a bad thing?
Most seem to think so.
In this weeks email I’m going to talk about why it can be a good thing.
Read time- about 90 seconds.
How many times do we do something because we feel like we have to? To a certain extent I agree. To a larger extent I don’t. Let me explain. As adults we have certain responsibilities that we need to uphold which is completely understandable. We also need to balance it out by loving what we do. Find a way to be responsible and do what you love.
TAKE AWAY- Die with memories not dreams.
What does it mean for someone to be truly happy? It’s all lays in the eyes of the beholder. What does it mean to you?
I can guarantee by asking someone close to you what it means to be truly happy they’ll have a different answer to happiness than what you have.
It has a lot to do with how great full we are for what we already have.
TAKE AWAY- Be happy but never satisfied.
We’re only going 1 of 2 ways with any endeavour in our life. We’re either moving forwards or backwards. Any goal worth having is going to require consistent effort and patience. As long as we’re progressing in the right direction we’ll always have a sense of accomplishment on the way to our goal. Which is incredibly important to ensuring you stay the course. Little celebrations and little wins lead to big celebrations and big wins.
TAKE AWAY- As long as you’re progressing forwards you’re winning.
Cool humans look after cool humans. If you really enjoyed this email today be sure to forward it on to them to spread the love.
Remember progress leads to happiness and great things happen when you love what you’re doing.
Have an awesome week😊.
Danny Sayers.
Love what you do and do give it everything you have😊.