Stop Trying To Do Everything

Happy Monday, !Most people try to do way too much.And their lives end up getting taken over by unnecessary activities, busy work, and an array of “crap” that prevents them from doing what is important.They waste their most valuable commodity – time –...

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Jun 11, 2024
Here’s how to get a great night of sleep…

Happy Sunday, !Can you imagine waking up rested and recharged every morning?  If you’re one of nearly 70 million Americans with sleep issues, that might seem like a stretch! The good news is that a few simple changes to your bedtime ha...

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Jun 10, 2024

Happy Thursday, !☕ Bedtime Golden Milk Recipe ☕Here’s a recipe for a healthy, soothing, anti-inflammatory bedtime drink that can help you relax and sleep better!😋It’s called golden milk, and we have a simple, delicious version that’s easy to whip...

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Jun 07, 2024
Do this every morning and watch things change

Happy Tuesday, !Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals?Something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day?Well, it’s something that I started doing recently that has completely t...

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Jun 05, 2024
Small Wins Are Big

Happy Wednesday, !If you have a tendency to focus on the negative, you’re not alone.Just remember that negative self-talk is only going to make it more difficult for you to achieve the results that you want.Our actions are 100% of the time determined...

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May 30, 2024
Every single cell...

Happy Saturday, !💫 Newsflash: You’re in the middle of an amazing transformation RIGHT NOW!So if you’re seeing this, take this as a sign to let go of those old stories you’ve been telling yourself about what you can and can’t do…Because just like you...

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May 26, 2024

Happy Tuesday, ! 📱 It’s time to swap scrolling for reading! 📖You probably already knew this, BUT…Scrolling on your phone at night (or any other digital device) keeps your brain working overtime.Instead, reading helps reduce stress, makes it easier...

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May 22, 2024
Unplug to Recharge

Happy Monday, !Have you ever hit a roadblock with a problem, taken a break, and then the answer just "magically" popped into your head?There’s a scientific reason for that.When you RELAX, you activate an important part of your brain called your “defa...

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May 21, 2024

Happy Sunday, !💤 Is your bedroom sleep-friendly? 💤You might love falling asleep to your favorite TV show…Or, maybe you have a habit of scrolling through your phone before bed...But having a dark, cool, quiet environment can play a big role in how w...

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May 19, 2024

Happy Friday, !😋 3 Nighttime Snack Swaps! 😋This might surprise you, but nighttime snacking isn't a dealbreaker.If you're eating enough during the day and you're STILL craving sweet, salty, fatty snacks at night, here are a few alternatives:Pizza 👉...

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May 18, 2024