Where do you store your stress?

Happy Sunday, !Have you ever been so stressed for so long that it feels “normal”?Years ago, I was going through some life stuff that had me feeling super stressed out…And it wasn’t until it was over that I realized how tense my muscles were and how m...

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Aug 05, 2024
Study proves “mind over matter” is real 🧠

Happy Friday, ! If you’ve ever doubted the power of your mind, check this out…Twenty-nine people volunteered for a study where they wore surgical casts on their wrists for four weeks. Half of them were told to sit quietly and visualize that they...

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Aug 03, 2024
What to order at the drive-thru window

Happy Wednesday, !Has this ever happened to you?You’re on a road trip, or with family or friends, or maybe it’s a work trip — and you end up in the drive-thru lane…And you’re left to try to figure out the least-terrible option in just a few seconds.N...

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Aug 01, 2024
Embrace the solutions

Happy Tuesday, !💫 Every time you say "no" to an excuse and "yes" to a positive change, you're taking a big step towards feeling great.Things like “choosing to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator,” “picking water over soda,” and “deciding...

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Jul 31, 2024
Create a Healthy Lifestyle!

Happy Sunday, !🤗 What would happen if you started “working out” and “eating more veggies” because you LOVE yourself…And because you deserve to “have tons of energy” and “feel healthy, fit, and strong”?And NOT because you feel like you don’t measure...

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Jul 29, 2024
Fountain of Youth

Happy Friday, !Ask a few friends or family members what they think the Fountain of Youth is … and you’ll get some interesting answers.Some will think it’s a supplement you can take. And while I wish there were a pill that could make me 10 years young...

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Jul 27, 2024
Healthy isn't a goal it's a way of living!

Happy Wednesday, !😲 Hate to break it to you, but there are some things you HAVE to do every day…Things like brushing your teeth, making the bed, going to work, cooking meals, loading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, etc.Yes, you *can* miss a d...

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Jul 25, 2024
Health benefits of vacations

Happy Tuesday, !You probably don’t need another reason to take a vacation…😉But as it turns out, vacations are seriously good for your health!And did you know that almost half of all Americans don’t use up all their paid time off every year!?Here are...

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Jul 24, 2024

Happy Monday, !🤔 Myth or Fact: Daydreaming can help me be more productive. 🤔💡 Fact: Giving yourself “daydreaming” breaks — or downtime when your mind has a chance to wander — can boost creativity, problem-solving skills, and brain health.🧠⚡ This...

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Jul 23, 2024
Self-care is NOT selfish!

Happy Sunday, !LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK: Self-care is NOT selfish. When you make an effort to work on YOU — your health, your goals, and your aspirations — think of it like polishing a diamond. 💍 All your day-to-day actions — like...

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Jul 21, 2024