Happy Tuesday, !🤔“Do I have to look in the mirror when I work out?”In a word: No.But watching your muscles in the mirror can help you maintain proper form and avoid injuries during your workouts.When I watch my form in the mirror, I’m looking for t...

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Jul 17, 2024

Happy Monday, !Do you have people in your life who you DON’T want to disappoint? If you have, you’ll reach your goals faster! Here’s why… A study published in the International Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology found that there...

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Jul 16, 2024
Don’t Overdo It

Happy Sunday, !Instagram gurus and irresponsible trainers are out there promoting their “soul-crushing workouts,” “beatdowns,” and “sweat fests.”Stay away.Maybe somewhere in your fitness journey, you fell victim to this “no pain, no gain” mentality.T...

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Jul 15, 2024
Some eye-opening food stats for you

Happy Saturday, !I’ve been talking a lot about food lately because what you eat plays such a big role in your results (and your health).But here’s something that doesn’t get enough attention: food waste.Just a few stats:One-third of all food goes une...

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Jul 14, 2024
Owning your power to make a difference

Happy Thursday, !Let’s talk about ACCOUNTABILITY because a lot of people get it wrong.It’s a shame because, when done RIGHT, it can skyrocket your progress…And even help you hit goals that you thought were out of your reach!First: let’s clear up a co...

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Jul 12, 2024
Three Things

Happy Wednesday, !Most of us make nutrition more complicated than it needs to be. The truth is, the simpler, the better. The simpler we have our nutrition plan, the easier it will be to follow … and the better results we’ll get. So rather than get bo...

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Jul 11, 2024
🔥What you put in is what you get out

Happy Monday, !And at some point, you can’t keep pouring from an empty cup.If you are:✖️Constantly on edge✖️Putting off your hobbies✖️Struggling to find motivation✖️Feeling disconnected from your passions ✖️Sacrificing your well-being for othersThen...

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Jul 09, 2024