Lifespan vs. Healthspan

Happy Thursday, !I’m often asked if it’s true that calorie restriction can result in a longer lifespan.As with most questions like this, we need to dig a little deeper.First, if we’re talking about going from chronically overeating (which results in...

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Aug 16, 2024
True Health

Happy Wednesday, !🤗 There’s a trap a lot of us fall into: we can go “all in” and spend so much energy on just one or two areas of our health/fitness… … that there’s little room for anything else. It could be: 💪Intense workouts🥗Stric...

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Aug 15, 2024

Happy Sunday, !Short workouts ➕Intensity = 💪When you bring the intensity — e.g., short periods of hard work mixed with lighter activity, you don’t have to work out as long to get the same (or better!) results.Here are just a few benefits of sh...

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Aug 12, 2024
Why you feel tired after lunch & what to do about it

Happy Friday, !Did you know your body is PROGRAMMED to feel sleepy between 1-3 p.m.?Yep, it’s true…Over the course of the day, your brain builds up a chemical (adenosine) that makes you want to sleep. ..Plus, your circadian rhythm — which governs you...

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Aug 10, 2024
What will give you the best results, the fastest?

Happy Thursday, !Here’s a quick reframe if you’re feeling overwhelmed by work, health maintenance, or life in general. 👉 What is the “minimum dose” you can implement to start seeing results? Sometimes, doing less — but doing it consistently — c...

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Aug 09, 2024
Cheat Meals vs. Treat Meals

Happy Wednesday, !Let’s talk about the difference between “cheat meals” and “treat meals.”Both are common terms that get tossed around a lot (especially on social media)...But while they might SOUND similar, there’s a massive difference between the t...

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Aug 08, 2024
How to hear your inner voice

Happy Tuesday, !When was the last time you were just… present? No podcast on, no audiobook, no music, no scrolling, no TV…Just taking in the scenery around you? Unplugging from all input — even for a little while — is so good for your healt...

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Aug 07, 2024
Where do you store your stress?

Happy Sunday, !Have you ever been so stressed for so long that it feels “normal”?Years ago, I was going through some life stuff that had me feeling super stressed out…And it wasn’t until it was over that I realized how tense my muscles were and how m...

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Aug 05, 2024
Study proves “mind over matter” is real 🧠

Happy Friday, ! If you’ve ever doubted the power of your mind, check this out…Twenty-nine people volunteered for a study where they wore surgical casts on their wrists for four weeks. Half of them were told to sit quietly and visualize that they...

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Aug 03, 2024
What to order at the drive-thru window

Happy Wednesday, !Has this ever happened to you?You’re on a road trip, or with family or friends, or maybe it’s a work trip — and you end up in the drive-thru lane…And you’re left to try to figure out the least-terrible option in just a few seconds.N...

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Aug 01, 2024