Dear humans,The female has completed her monthly transformation into the Beast of ARRRGHHHHH!!! We're sorry for any grumpiness that may come from her general location. She is female. She is definitely noticing she is female right now.Ouch.Send us tem...
Dear humans,There's something in the air... or there was last night. The male went to bed early. The female went to bed right on time, thus staying up several hours later than she normally does. The skies are gray.The female has a headache and her in...
Dear humans,Hairballs. We hate them... the female also hates them. She particularly hates when she's mostly asleep and discovers our latest offering with her foot. She does a one-footed dance while shrieking. We find this amusing. We call this the "W...
Dear humans,Rain + Cold + Dramatic Temperature Changes = Meouch! The female, many years ago, attempted to fly. She failed, fell down some steps, and landed on her knee. Her knee likes reminding her that humans cannot fly.Fortunately, she has learned...
Dear humans,The female is descending into the caverns of madness. Hope may be lost for her. Allergies have created nasal congestion, coughing, a very mild sore throat from the coughing and the congestion and the constant clearing of her throat, and.....
Dear humans,The female has received a thermometer in the mail today. (She started the search for one in early March.) Apparently, this is a major source of excitement, except it is reporting she may have a low-grade fever. She usually runs cool, and...
Dear humans,According to the lore of other humans, Monday should be the not-fun day and Friday should be the fun day. It seems the female has teleported through time and performed some dark magic, reversing these days of the week.She had a good Monda...
Sure, Tina. You can have something punny and weird right now along with a picture of Tia the Majestic.This is also a small test to make sure this is actually working.This seems to be working. Good. Excellent.Here is your reward for putting up with us...