Wednesday and the Curse of the Pink Moon

Apr 08, 2020 9:00 pm

Dear humans,

There's something in the air... or there was last night. The male went to bed early. The female went to bed right on time, thus staying up several hours later than she normally does. The skies are gray.

The female has a headache and her internal organs are attempting to stage a coop. Do coops involve chickens? Why must the English language insist on mugging other languages for their loose grammar in dark alleys?

I fear we may never know.

On the subject of chickens, the female would very much prefer chickens to play with rather than her internal organs staging a coop. She does not like her biological gender today. Let's leave it at that.

Onto some fun stuff! Today, I get to show you the main chunk of the Royal States cover art! It's so pretty. Rebecca Frank is the artist, and the female loves everything about the covers.


See, pretty? There will be more soon. Runaway is the next confirmed Royal States novel. The Vampire of Montana will be the first Agents of the Royal States novel. Taken is being changed to be a novel. It outgrew its britches. I mean, it had already done that. But considering it's a hair from being a full-length novel (by that, we mean a hundred words,) we're counting it as a full-length novel. As such, the preorder will soon read Taken: a Royal States Novel. It won't be added to the main series listing, though. (We'd have to renumber everything, so it'll live happily on its own as a spinoff novel with any other spinoff novels the female concocts.)

The female might even add in an extra scene or a chapter just for fun just to securely boot it into the 'actual novel' territory, which is 50,000+ words versus its current 49 and change words. This would not be a trying or a difficult task. In fact, she might enjoy it a great deal. That would raise the price to $4.99 after release, but she won't adjust that until after its release.

We'll see what the editor's editorial notes say!

Please note there will be one more Pat-centric short novel in the future. He has a very trying life between his wife and herd of children, and sometimes, he just needs to kidnap an RPS agent and escape for a while. And then play a very elaborate game of hide-and-go seek with his easily irritated wife.

I'm 100% the female can write an entire novel dedicated to these shenanigans.

We'll label this from the department of "Yes, yes he would do that."

This is far more newish than these things are going to be. Oops! I would be sorry except... I am cat, hear me RAWR!

For Bookbub users: Bonds is a bookbub deal for today. If you use the site, give a click and show some love? Pretty please? Perhaps with cherries on top? If you aren't a Bookbub user, you can find it on the cheap at the primary vendors. It has kittens. KITTENS, I tell you.


Paint me like a French girl.

What? What? Come on, I'm cute so you should want to paint me, and I was born too pretty (and soft) for clothing.

I see you have a dire lack of puns over there, so please allow me to pun you for a few minutes. It makes the female happy.

This was shamelessly stolen, but I am going to provide an earworm AND a pun at the same time with this one: Sweet cheese are made of these, who am I to dis a brieeeee...

Yeah. We're really not sorry. We're otterly not sorry. Otterly insincere about the otter mayhem we're unleashing here. It's a hairy mess, and I expect you will wish to exfurminate the female for permitting me to type these sentences. There is now claws in the human-to-cat contract furbidding such caterwauling.

Should I stop now?

Yeah. Okay. I'll stop. The female needs attention.

For those who need to hear it, yes, it is actually Wednesday. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting to tell you something, but I'll be back tomorrow to torment you.

Here is another picture as a consolation prize for putting up with me today.


avatar Bernadette
Good morning cutie. I am sorry the female is having a bad time of things right now, sending her good thoughts. I love reading your missives. Hugs
avatar Paula G
Sorry, the coop is actually spelled coup. Nothing to do with chickens, which makes me sad. Pretty Kitty!
avatar The Sneaky Kitty Critic
My way is funnier. It is forever now spelled coop. I am a cat, and I say this is a universal truth. Coup d'etat is so less cool than coop. Coop makes it sound like there will be an explosion of feathers to go with the anarchy.
avatar The Sneaky Kitty Critic
And yes, it was spelled coop on purpose. Because cats and chickens.
avatar Emmy
Bought it! I am so excited to have something to reread after the last honey badger book. I love the kitty. If you can, ibuprofen is the best - it literally makes that Time less explosive and awful. something about anti-inflammatory properties - THANKS DOCTOR FOR TELLING ME THAT 44, wouldn't have been helpful at all when I was 15. >.< KITTTTTTTY. No paints could possibly capture that intensity and sheer perfection.
avatar The Sneaky Kitty Critic
The female has been a frequent flyer of Vitamin Motrin since she was 8 and discovered she would have to deal with bleeding several days of every month without dying. It was not a good discovery. She wished sincerely for a refund. She did not receive a refund.
avatar Jean
I don't think that chickens have anything to do with this coop. Living in the UK and next door to France and having had to study French at school (and later reading Georgette Heyer) I think the word you are looking for is 'coupe'. It usually refers to a cutting movement made with a sword, which wins the fight.
avatar The Sneaky Kitty Critic
We are making a note to inform the humans the spelling of coop was an intentional joke because it is funny for tomorrow's letter.
avatar Amanda
I snorted tea when I read the cheese pun, then promptly spat it all over Mr Bear Bear cat, which made him grumpier than normal. Bad Tyrant! ? P.S. I got the coop joke, and am quite happy for it to stay that way ?
avatar The Sneaky Kitty Critic
We apologize to Mr. Bear Bear cat, who has been unfortunately but hilariously traumatized today.