Why are print editions so slow and so expensive?

Pictures speak louder than words. This is for Dead Weight’s print edition. Please note that my earnings are less than what I make on ebook copies of the same title. If you don’t do the retailer’s preferred 55%… the books are generally not listed and...

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Mar 29, 2024
Experimental Voyage now available for Preorder!

One of my previous Pets in Space contributions, Experimental Voyage, is now available for preorder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books! This will be one of two Christmas releases. (Murder Floof, Bernadette Franklin will be the second...

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Mar 26, 2024
The Process of Plotting a Mid-Series Book.

There are many different ways to write a book. As I’ve been working on the Vigilante Magical Librarians series, I thought I’d take the time to talk about how I’m breathing life into the midway book of the series. Booked for Theft will release in Marc...

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Mar 19, 2024
Janette and Friends return on March 18, 2025!

What was that? Janette and the Vigilante Magical Librarians are back? As a matter of fact… yes, they are! A year after the assassination of Senator Maybelle, President Castillo makes a declaration that shakes the United States of America to its core:...

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Mar 18, 2024
RJ’s 2024 Reading Challenge!

Yes, I am two months late starting my reading challenge for this year, but there’s a good reason for that. Until now, I didn’t really want to do one. But, this week, I cleared off my GoodReads account, and I began loading in the books I want to read...

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Mar 07, 2024
Closing down Ream and Some Other Updates…

Greetings, folks! First, I have shut down my ream stories account today. There are a myriad of reasons I made this decision, but my inability to be twenty bazillion places at once is one of them. Right now, the site has issues… its discoverability le...

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Mar 01, 2024
Winter Wolf Audiobook now at the Patreon Store!

Patreon is the place to be if you want Winter Wolf in audiobook format. Only the Patreon edition of the audiobook includes the extended epilogue edition of the book. (Narrated by Ivan.) Ivan is very bouncy. Ivan is the narrator you want when you. rea...

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Feb 24, 2024
News & General Updates!

Howdy, folks. It has been a hot minute since I've done a newsletter update (especially one that hasn't been just a duplicate of the blog but with some extras.)I hope that you're doing well!In an effort to be somewhat brief, here goes:1: Vampire of Mo...

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Mar 13, 2023
News about Hoofin' It!

Hey, folks. I have issues. A lot of them. One of those issues was forgetting I HAVE an email thingie, thus forgetting to USE said email thing.I remembered! It's here!... Of course, that involves having energy to do things with the thing I have rememb...

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Jan 28, 2023