45 - Factory or Forest?

Nov 23, 2023 10:42 pm


There is a debate going on, "Are the traditional organisation structure useful in a post pandemic world?" This debate branched off from the debate about "should work from home be the norm for knowledge workers?"

Work from home leads to problems that hierarchical organisational structures cannot handle. Also, work from home makes a lot of traditional roles redundant. Some roles that have become the go to examples for these debates are:

HR Manager: A full time role does not make sense, since there is no office or people sitting around in offices.

Managers: People manager roles don't make sense either. The manager cannot justify "checking-in with employees" as the main work they do every day.

L&D : Learning is happening online. Very little value add from a full time role.

In the agency business world we are at crossroads: the traditional, hierarchical 'Factory' model versus the dynamic, self-organising 'Forest' approach. Central to this debate is availability of AI based tools and productivity gains.

Factory vs. Forest

  • Factory Model (Hierarchical): Characterised by rigid structures, defined roles, and top-down decision-making. While offering clarity and control, it can stifle creativity and agility.
  • Forest Model (Self-Assembling Teams): Here, teams form organically based on project needs, promoting flexibility, innovation, and employee autonomy.

The Forest Model

The Forest model borrows from a concept called the Teal Organization. It transcends traditional models, focusing on three core principles:

  1. Self-Management: Empowering teams to make decisions, fostering a sense of ownership and responsiveness.
  2. Wholeness: Encouraging employees to bring their full selves to work, nurturing a diverse and inclusive environment.
  3. Evolutionary Purpose: Aligning the company's mission with its adaptive strategies, ensuring continuous growth and relevance.

Transitioning to a Forest model agency

  1. Cultivate a Culture of Trust: Trust is the foundation of self-management. Encourage open communication and transparency.
  2. Empower Through Autonomy: Shift from micromanagement to guidance. Allow teams to self-organise and make decisions.
  3. Foster Diversity of perspectives: Create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued.
  4. Align Purpose and Strategy: Regularly revisit your agency's purpose and ensure your strategies evolve accordingly.

Transitioning to a Forest model is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a profound shift in mindset and operations.

However, for agencies willing to embrace this change, the rewards are immense: a more agile, innovative, and resilient organisation, ready to thrive in the flexible, work-from-home world.

Embrace change.


Anoop Kurup

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