38 - Emotional jobs-to-be-done

Nov 14, 2023 6:37 pm


Before you start promoting you agency and marketing it, take a pause.

The chances are high that you will end up creating similar content to all other agencies out there. Your content may be more creative, better written, even better positioned. From a client's perspective, it feels the same.

It's crucial to understand not what your clients need, but also what they feel. That's where the concept of 'Emotional Jobs-to-be-Done' comes into play.

At its core, this concept revolves around the emotional tasks your clients are trying to do. It's not about the practical side of your services. It's about the emotional journey and fulfilment they seek.

Emotional Jobs Matter

When clients choose an agency, they are not only looking for strategies and plans. They are looking for assurance of results, and the feeling of security the results bring. They are looking for someone who understands their emotional need. They want to feel heard, valued, and confident that their business is in good hands.

This emotional connection is a powerful driver in decision-making. It's about creating a bond that goes beyond the transactional nature of business. When you tap into these emotional jobs, you fulfil deeper, often unspoken needs.

How to Identify Emotional Jobs

  1. Listen Beyond Words: Pay close attention to your clients' language, concerns, and aspirations. Often, what they don't say is as important as what they do.
  2. Observe Behaviour: Actions speak volumes. How do clients interact with your proposals? What are their reactions to your ideas? What is their engagement level? All this can reveal their emotional jobs.
  3. Ask the "Feeling" Questions: Don't shy away from probing deeper. Questions like "How do you want to feel about your marketing strategy?" can uncover valuable insights.
  4. Ask 5 whys: Ask "why is the client hiring you for this job?", then drill deeper by asking why again. You will discover the emotional jobs-to-be-done.

Use Emotional Jobs to differentiate your agency

Once you understand the emotional drivers, integrate them into your marketing and promotions. Tailor your communication, approach, and solutions to align with these emotional needs. It is not about how you make your clients feel throughout the journey.

The combination of your niche and the emotional job you get done for your clients, sets you apart from the crowd.

Thinking about Emotional Jobs-to-be-Done requires a mindset shift. You have to think beyond the results you deliver. You have to think beyond the persona templates you developed. And you have to think beyond your pitch decks.

Take care when using emotional jobs-to-be-done to promote your agency. People like to connect with emotions, but they don't like to see their emotional needs on display.

See your clients as partners in a journey towards emotional need fulfilment. When you connect on this level, you're building lasting relationships. This fosters mutual trust and understanding. In return, the client stays with your agency.

Think about it.


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
