39 - Social jobs-to-be-done

Nov 16, 2023 9:01 pm


There are 3 kinds of jobs that a clients wants you to get done.

  1. Functional
  2. Emotional
  3. Social

A parent wants to teach the kid mathematics. The functional job is to ensure kid learns maths concepts well. The emotional job is when the parent feels appreciated. Social job is when the parent is perceived as a caring and involved parent by others.

For every functional job there may be 5-20 hidden emotional jobs. And there may be 10 or more social jobs.

There is a reason people by Rolex, Ferrari, and Louis Vuitton. (They are not bought for their superior function or features.)

Social jobs-to-be-done are tasks or objectives customers aim to accomplish within their social context. Unlike traditional jobs-to-be-done, which focus on functional tasks, social jobs delve into the realm of social interactions, personal identity, and communal belonging. They answer not just the need for a product or service but also the social roles these fulfil.

Social Jobs Matter in Agency Business

  1. Enhanced Customer Understanding: By recognising the social jobs your clients are trying to accomplish, your agency can tailor marketing strategies that resonate more deeply, fostering stronger connections.
  2. Building Brand Loyalty: When your services align with clients' social needs, such as community belonging or status enhancement, it cultivates loyalty that goes beyond transactional relationships.
  3. Differentiating Your Services: In a crowded market, addressing social jobs can differentiate your agency's offerings, making them more appealing in a way that purely functional benefits cannot.

Consider a campaign focusing on eco-friendly products. Instead of just highlighting the product's features, an agency employing social jobs-to-be-done would frame it as a tool for the client to express environmental friendliness, appealing to a community-minded audience.

Go beyond the functional

Incorporating social jobs-to-be-done into your agency's toolkit can transform how you approach client relationships and strategy development. It's about going beyond the 'what' and 'how' to the 'why' – understanding the social roles and identities your services fulfil

Understanding and leveraging social jobs-to-be-done is not just about meeting needs; it's about connecting with your clients on a deeper, more human level. In doing so, you build a client base and a community. Then the client sees your agency as an integral part of their social and professional journey.


Anoop Kurup

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