37 - Convince clients to start today

Nov 13, 2023 8:30 pm


Best time to start marketing was the day you got the idea.

Second best day is today.

We know that marketing, and activities around brand building takes time. In the digital world SEO has a similar gestation period. We observe similar situation in consulting, coaching, education, finance, health, and other industries.

In all the above industries, client acquisition is painful. Convincing a client to start today and wait for 6-12 months for results is difficult. Worse still is that many clients will get started, then they will keep asking for results. After a few months the entire project gets scrapped. Either due to "shifting priorities" or "lack of results"

How do we get clients to start today and wait for results?

There are many competitors who have clients. So, we can assume that clients are not averse to investing in long term results.

The challenge is not one of interest. Rather it is one of intangibility of the results. Clients don't see progress till the results show up. They have to survive on hope and weekly updates.

Sustaining a client's interest in such situations requires a strong brand. And proven results. Results endorsed by others.

3 ways to get clients

In agency business, there are 3 ways to get clients.

  1. Referrals
  2. Relationships
  3. Reputation

Irrespective of how the client comes to you, you still have to sell and close the deal. That requires investment in creating artefacts that proves your capabilities. Case studies, testimonials, or at least a clear path to solving the client's problems.

I wish that was enough. The problem of acquiring clients goes deeper than that.

Many agencies can't get clients because they make the same mistakes, as their clients.

You are like your clients

They don't want to start the project because the results will take a long time. You don't want to build a brand or market your company (build a reputation), since it takes time.

Getting clients to start on long term projects requires them to know, like, and trust you. That will happen when you build a brand.

Before you jump out of your seat and start a marketing campaign, pause for a moment.

There are things to consider; emotions, status, and the brand.


Anoop Kurup

(Read old newsletters)
