Supercharge Your Health With Green Drinks

Supercharge Your Health With Green DrinksNo matter how committed we are to getting in the recommended five to nine servings of vegetables and fruits every day, sometimes we come up short. It may be that we are busy and barely have time to eat at...

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Aug 28, 2023
School's In: Why You Need To Keep Learning

School's In: Why You Need To Keep LearningThe end of the school semester is always a time of relief. After months of reading and learning and working under pressure, finally it’s break time. The mind can relax and not have to think about an...

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Aug 21, 2023
Stick with it

Subj: Stick With ItIf you’ve ever had the feeling that you’re not going to be able to stick with your fitness routine for the long haul, you’re not alone.I’ve seen this with clients who’ve been training with me for a week … and I’ve seen it with clie...

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Aug 16, 2023
Are You Still Planning To Lose Weight And Get In Shape

Are You Still Planning To Lose Weight And Get In ShapeIt’s time to stop planning and start empowering yourself. The time to move is now, and group personal training is the perfect way to get started.Exercising by yourself can be tough. Nobo...

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Aug 14, 2023
Prepare For Success Back To School Tips

Prepare For Success Back To School TipsHave you noticed? The days are getting a little shorter, store aisles are full of school supplies and you may have seen a school bus or two making practice runs in your neighborhood. All this can only...

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Aug 10, 2023
10 Ways To Torch 100 Calories Fast

10 Ways To Torch 100 Calories FastSome days you simply do not have time for your usual workout. Perhaps you are traveling or you have meetings from dawn until dusk. Or maybe something totally unexpected comes up and your workout time disapp...

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Aug 07, 2023
Prevent Impulse Eating: Helpful Tips

Prevent Impulse Eating Helpful TipsIt’s happened to all of us. You know the feeling - you are away from home running errands, or you are out late because you had to stay at work longer. And you realize that you are hungry. Not just a l...

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Jul 31, 2023
Commit To Be Fit

Commit To Be FitFitness starts in your mind. Ask any athlete or fit person what the number one secret is to his success at fitness, and he will tell you it is commitment. Commitment means that you are in it for the long haul. Commitmen...

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Jul 31, 2023
Fight Muscle Loss: Lift Weights

Fight Muscle Loss: Lift WeightsWhen you think of a typical older person, one thing likely comes to mind: frailty. Even if you can’t really identify any obvious illness, there is something about most elderly people that communicates frailty...

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Jul 24, 2023
Is This Energy Drainer Keeping You Stuck

Is This Energy Drainer Keeping You StuckIt’s all around you, but you probably don’t even notice. It is a stealth energy drainer, and it may be sabotaging your fitness goals. It’s called clutter and each of us has it in our lives. This...

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Jul 17, 2023