10 Ways To Torch 100 Calories Fast

Aug 07, 2023 12:26 pm

10 Ways To Torch 100 Calories Fast

Some days you simply do not have time for your usual workout. Perhaps you are traveling or you have meetings from dawn until dusk. Or maybe something totally unexpected comes up and your workout time disappears.

When life steals your exercise time, however, you do not have to forgo your workout. If you have just a few minutes, you can burn off 100 calories, get your heart pumping fast and redeem at least a little of your workout.

Here are 10 ways to torch 100 calories 

Use them on busy days or even to supercharge your normal workout days. Most estimates are for a person weighing approximately 130-150 pounds. If you weigh more, you can probably shorten the duration, but if you are lighter, add a few minutes to ensure that you burn at least 100 calories.

1.    Take the stairs. Stair climbing for 15 minutes will burn 137 calories. Have a 15-minute break at work? Find a staircase and set your phone alarm to alert you when 15 minutes have passed.


2.    Run a 5-minute mile. By the time you are 4 and ½ minutes in, you will have already burned 100 calories. If you can’t get outside, just run in place.


3.    Ride a stationary bike at 20 mph for 4 minutes and 54 seconds.


4.    Work on the lawn. Pull weeds for 17 minutes, rake leaves for 20 minutes, or dig dirt for 16 minutes.


5.    Calisthenics. Spending 15 minutes doing some light bodyweight squats, lunges, jumping jacks, get-ups, and knee-ins will burn about 137 calories.


6.    Go for a walk. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 117 calories by walking at a 4 mph speed for 20 minutes. Walk in place if you do not have a good area to walk in outdoors. Try walking in place while you watch your favorite television show!


7.    Grab the vacuum. Vacuuming your home or office for 28 minutes will burn 100 calories. This is a great way to sneak in some exercise at work and get on the good list of your coworkers!


8.    Chop firewood. It is hot now, but winter is coming! Spend 5 minutes chopping firewood and you will burn 100 calories.

9.    Swim laps. It only takes 12 minutes to burn off 100 calories while swimming.


10. Mow the lawn with a push mower. 14 minutes is all it takes to zap 100 calories.

Dedicated To Your Success,


P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways we can help you build your body, tone up, have more energy, relieve stress, and melt the fat away:

1. A free Success Session - Come in and meet with me and we will determine which of our programs is right for you. Just email me back the word Ready and I will get back to you!

2. Semi-private group training where you can work with up 2 to 4 individuals that have the same health and fitness goals at half the price of 1 on 1 training! Just email me back the words Group Training and I will get back to you!

3. Private Training - One-on-One - Just you and me. Your training program is customized to get you to your health and fitness goals! Just email me back the words Private Training and I will get back to you!

4. Join our online personal training platform if you would like to train at your home or other gyms because you are too far away to train with us in person or you just feel more comfortable training at another gym or in the privacy of your own home! Customized workouts, nutrition plans, and cardio plans are included with weekly email and phone calls! Just email me back the words Online Training and I will get back to you!

5.  Nutrition Coaching if you want to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food, how to eat healthier, and help you achieve your health and fitness goals even when life gets busy. Just email me back Nutrition Coaching and I will get back to you!

