What Do Insulin Resistance And Summer Have in Common

What Do Insulin Resistance And Summer Have in CommonPlenty, it turns out, and it has everything to do with what you’re eating this summer. Even though summer brings with it an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, making it easier to eat hea...

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Jun 26, 2024
Reality Check: Say No To Summer Weight Gain

Reality Check: Say No To Summer Weight GainSo you spent the winter working hard. You exercised consistently, you were careful to eat more healthy foods and you watched your portion sizes. Why? So you would look great at the lake and ha...

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Jun 21, 2024
It's Summer: Beat The Heat With These Workout Tips

It's Summer Beat The Heat With These Workout TipsBaby, it’s hot out there! If you have been working out over the past winter and spring months, you may be surprised at the new challenges that summertime fitness throws at you. Today is the f...

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Jun 20, 2024
Father's Day Fitness Formula For Success

Father's Day Fitness Formula For Success I have good news and bad news, Dads.First the bad news: you can’t do it all. That long to-do list you have staring at you? Working harder, longer, and more frantically will not help you get...

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Jun 16, 2024
Memorial Day: Reflection On Warriors

Memorial Day: Reflection On WarriorsEach year, on the last Monday of May, we celebrate Memorial Day. Originally instituted as a day of honoring those who died during the Civil War, it eventually became a day to remember any soldier who died figh...

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May 27, 2024