Hey there ,In the spirit of walking my talk, I want to offer you this invitation.Tomorrow I'm leading a free webinar called UNcomplicating Change.It is exactly what it sounds like.Two things I think we can all agree on as humans is that change is may...
Dear ,I was talking with a friend about her email list a few weeks ago.She was frustrated because people OPEN her emails, but they don't click on them. This is something I hear all the time from clients too - about email lists, but also about posts (...
Hey there ,Sometimes the best emails are the ones that just give you the things. No story, no extra... so here goes.1. Yesterday in my FB group (UNcomplicating Business) I posted the first of 30 prompts for this month. These prompts will be daily, a...
Hey there ,As the saying goes, the only constant in life is change.Which is great, and also, not great, because we humans aren't always awesome at going with the flow and rolling with change.Really, change can be s c a r y, even when we actually WANT...
Hello !I talked to a woman yesterday who had a problem we ALL have had. She was feeling stuck, unsure, and just plain-old tired in her business. And she was wondering, really, if she even wanted to HAVE a business any more. What she ke...
Hey there ,Today is my daughter's birthday.A few years ago I wrote a post in my group that I woke up thinking about today, because it was true then, and it's true now - maybe even more so now that she's turning 11 rather than 9.Here's what I wrote th...
Hey there ,All of this month in my FB group (and on the podcast, and everywhere else, really), I've been talking about controllables - the things that are in our control that allow us to create success on our own terms.And as I've been thinking abou...
Hey there, !If I had a dollar for every time I've thought and/or said something like 'I just have to get through the next (weeks, days, hours, months), and then things will settle down and be normal'......I'd be retired. On a beach. With a never-endi...
Hey there ,You can make business - particularly business SUCCESS - less complicated all on your own, right this moment, by doing this ONE thing.Ready?Ask yourself: what's in my control right now, and how do I take advantage of/do more of THAT?That's...
Hey there ,On Fridays, we celebrate.In my FB group, UNcomplicating Business, every Friday leads with celebrations. It's my favorite post of the week - and from the responses week in and week out, I know it's not just me :).Every week before I schedul...