5 useful things for you right now

Nov 03, 2022 2:46 pm

Hey there ,

Sometimes the best emails are the ones that just give you the things. No story, no extra... so here goes.

1. Yesterday in my FB group (UNcomplicating Business) I posted the first of 30 prompts for this month. These prompts will be daily, and they are designed to help you DO the things that are in your control to do right now AND grow your business today (without making it complicated).

This was Tuesday's:

What is the MOST important thing you want people to get from working with/buying from you? Go offer someone THAT today (don’t get wrapped up in HOW… just pick a way to DO it).

All month long there will be more of these. They will be simple, straightforward and useful AF.

If you aren't in the group, come join. If you ARE in the group, the new one posts every day at 1:15 pm EST, and you can search them by using #externalcontrolables.

2. This week on the UNcomplicating Business podcast I am sharing the one question that is the BIGGEST time saver in my business. If you know me even a little you might even be able to guess the question. The episode is short, sweet, and USEFUL.

You can listen here.

3. I'm a big (big) fan of Adam Grant, who you may or may not know. He recently interviewed Reese Witherspoon on his podcast Re:Thinking and at the end said the MOST useful thing I've heard in weeeeks.

'...moments of doubt are not a sign that you lack ability. They're a signal that the task is hard. When you're struggling, it's often because you're stretching your skills. Feeling like an imposter might just be a clue that you're on the verge of learning something new.'

If you are feeling the pain of imposter syndrome, feeling not good enough, worried about if you're expert enough, this is a FASCINATING way to rethink it.

Maybe the STRUGGLE is instead a STRETCH and maybe, just maybe, it's a sign that you're on the RIGHT path, rather than a sign you need to pause, adjust, or change gears.

4. Speaking of feeling like an imposter... one of the times we MOST feel like imposters is when we are in the midst of change - when we're changing careers, starting a business, adding offerings, changing our audience, all the things.

And sometimes, feeling like an imposter just makes change HARDER - mostly because it layers worry, fear, and all sorts of other fun things over the work it takes to change already.

On 11/17 I'm doing a live workshop in Zoom called UNcomplicating Change - it's about how to make the process of change EASIER on ourselves - no matter what kind of change you're making - from the inside out.

We'll talk about why change feels so freaking hard, what's actually normal to feel and do during times of change (imposter syndrome and procrastinate!), and then we'll talk through some simple, straightforward approaches to making change EASIER.

It's going to be great, don't miss out! Register here.

5. This morning I posted a TikTok with 5 business-building beliefs to steal :) And you really should steal them...

  • Success is safe; it's safe for me to be successful
  • I thrive in times of challenge, fluidity, and change; this is when I'm at my BEST
  • I am and expert and my expertise has VALUE
  • I trust myself, my decisions, my ideas, my timing, and my business
  • I am right on time; there is NO SUCH thing as being late/behind when it comes to my own life and success.

And that's it.

5 useful things you can use right now :)

Happy Wednesday!



Bonus item!

6. If you have a business goal you'd like to reach sooner than later - more clients, more money, more people reached, a larger audience, more impact - whatever it is, you'll get there faster and more effectively WITH coaching.

I'm ready to help you get where ever it is you're going sooner, with less drama, and with less complication.

To book a time to talk about coaching 1:1, head here and pick a time, or just hit reply, and we'll figure it out together.
