Hey there ,Before I write you email, I always think 'what would be the most useful thing that I can share with them today?'Today, I had a bunch of answers, and so you're getting a handy dandy list of useful things today :).1. If selling feels awful,...
Hey there ,I was live in my group today, talking about celebration.I was sharing a list of things that you can to celebrate when you aren't sure WHAT to celebrate, and I realized that it would make a GREAT bingo game.So, may I present to you, Celebra...
Hey hey ,Earlier this year my coach and I decided that I should focus on offers/invitations, and that I should keep count.We went back and forth with some different approaches and finally decided on - much to my initial dismay - on goal being 3 invit...
Hey hey ,There's a fun challenge in my FB group today.Yes, there will be little prizes - because prizes are FUN.Want in?It will take you LESS THAN 10 minutes to do, end to end AND it will make your day easier to boot.Want IN?Check the video here: htt...
Hey there ,Yesterday I reminded a client that if she doesn't TELL people where to get her best stuff, they don't know.And then I was sitting in my car, waiting for my son at his baseball tryout last night, and thought, 'DOH. I ought to take my own ad...
Dear ,I know my drumbeat lately has been all about time... but that's because I truly believe that changing how we think about time changes EVERYTHING else for the better.For example...I have been the boss of my own schedule for nearly 5 years.And th...
Hey hey ,I had this realization today while I was being coached.The precursor to success is always the same.ALL success starts with the same ONE ingredient/step.That ONE ingredient/step?It's TRUST.Trust is something we throw around in life and busine...
Hey hey ,Just a FAST note! A few people have reached out about the UNcomplicated Time email series today... you're only receiving those emails if you signed up specifically for them (I hate getting added to new lists without signing up, so I don't do...
Hey there ,Maybe you're ready to hear this today, maybe you aren't... but success is simpler than you think.It's simpler to create than you're making it in your head.And while no, it's no necessarily EASY all the time, it really CAN be simple 99.7% o...
Dear ,If you just want to be able to GIVE and actually have the WORK for your business, I want you to know that you can, and it works.You CAN give as much as you want AND have a thriving business.You CAN give AND sell. They are NOT mutually exclusive...