Since things not going to plan IS the plan

Sep 30, 2022 4:26 pm

Hey there, !

If I had a dollar for every time I've thought and/or said something like 'I just have to get through the next (weeks, days, hours, months), and then things will settle down and be normal'...

...I'd be retired. On a beach. With a never-ending stream of cupcakes.

My guess is that you are the same.

When life throws the curve balls, we think 'okay, after this curve ball, things will settle down, and I'll be able to get it together and do ____'

Except right on the heels of that curve ball comes ANOTHER curve ball, and another, and another - or at least that's how it feels.

Fun, right?

I was thinking about when things don't go to plan this morning because I feel like September has NOT gone to plan.

After an expectedly baseball-busy summer, I thought 'in September, things will be different...' (so funny, right?)

And here I am on the 30th of September, wondering where the month went. Ooops.

There's been back to school things and kids sports. There's been COVID. My mom has been in the hospital. I've had clients have all the kinds of life events.

It has rained curve balls.

And I've had an 'ugh, things go to PLAN, dang it' kind of feeling.

So, rather than just sit around and feel sorry for myself all day, I sat down and did two things.

Because as a coach what I know is that this 'ugh' feeling? It's okay that it's here, but also I don't have to wallow in it...I have other options.

I'm sharing this with you because I bet you've woken up with this feeling too - maybe not today, but it's happened.

And when it happens, here's what I do.

Bust out the journal (yes, I know, I know... but really)...

Ask these two questions:

1. What did I EXPECT from September (or this week, this day, this month, that person, whatever), and what ACTUALLY happened?

(yes, you may have to do some digging around for this comparison)

Here's what I found this morning.

I found that my memory is HIGHLY selective.

I got a LOT of things accomplished this month. Mostly in the first two or threes weeks, before I spent a week on the couch with COVID. Turns out that my 'lost' week is all my brain remembers... nothing before. Because brains are very 'what have you done for me lately'.

This kind of checking in reminds you that EVEN WHEN things aren't going to plan... they're actually going to plan. Things not going to plan IS the plan.

2. How is it true right now that things ARE going to plan?

I hate this question. And also, I love this question.

The whole point of it is to step out of the day-to-day curveballs and look at the big picture.

It might feel like the last few weeks have been a hot mess of crazy, but in the grand scheme?

Things. are. working.

You. are. working.

It's the reminder I needed this morning, and the reminder I know my clients (and you) need whenever things feel like the curveball-machine has gotten a littttle out of control.


How IS it true that things ARE going to plan, right now.

And how IS true that EVEN WHEN life is raining curve balls that you are still not only okay, but thriving?

Because you are. Me too.

Happy end of September.

I'd wish you happy planning for October, but really? The plan is to have next month not really go to plan either :), just in new and exciting ways!

Much love,


PS. First, if you're not in my FB group you should be because all. the. good. stuff is coming in October. Come jump in, now is the time.

And, if you're sitting on the fence about group coaching, it's time to lean over and just book a call. You can stay in your spot straddling the fence, just let's talk about it.... and then you can actually DECIDE which way to go, instead of wondering forever. :)
