Happy Friday,Some time ago, I was reading a book on consulting, at there was this little nugget in there where the author suggested having public status update meetings. Now, these public meetings were different than the normal status updates that co...
Happy Friday,Ok, so while I've made some updates to the mobile application, I am dealing with some kind of strep throat and can't record a video walking through it with anyone.Here's a quick little summary of the things I worked on with the app thoug...
Happy Friday,Last week I wrote about OKRs, and it got a bit of attention, so I thought I'd write this time about the world of measurements.Overwhelmingly people measure what is easy to count.We count points, stories, lines of code, sign-ups, defects,...
Happy Friday!Ever had those times when things just keep going wrong? Maybe not catastrophically, but just enough where you can't get back into a rhythm? That's been the past few weeks for me.The thing that kept me from writing the past few weeks was...
Happy Friday!It's so easy to get tunnel vision on things and let that small area of focus be the gauge of what's going on around you. I've been sad because of one small thing at one client, and I have to remember to stop fixating on that and look at...
Happy Friday,Last week I wrote about operational excellence and I made a comment that resulted in questions about my stance against using Mocking frameworks. So, let's take a look.Before I go into it, I want to say that if you're highly skilled with...
Happy Friday!I hope you had a lovely New Year. I stopped making resolutions since I'd always pick something too ambitious and feel stuck because of it. Instead, I just loosely answer the question, "What would make me feel great about this year?" Then...
Happy Friday! I hope you and yours are bundled up warm. The cold front that is hitting the country hit us yesterday, dropping our temperatures to -6 and -25 windchill. For reference, I've lived in places where I've never needed a serious winter...
Happy Friday!I'm recovering from a minor surgery this week and while I thought I'd wind up being really productive with my prescription of bed rest, no such thing happened.Still, I was able to work from home and that is a wonderful thing for me.As it...
Happy Friday!Elon's takeover of Twitter and the daily fallout of his actions are dominating the chatter in my world, and I find it a bit frustrating.It frustrates me because aside from his exposure as a famous person, his decisions, style, and percep...