HPT - The Consequences of Exceptional

Sep 08, 2023 1:54 pm

Happy Friday,

Last week, I wrote a high-level week-by-week roadmap of my approach to building exceptional teams in 3 months. I want to now turn my attention to the consequences of having one of these teams in your organization.

In my first email, I wrote a bit about these teams' qualities, which excite most leaders. Unfortunately, that saying that a dog wouldn't know what to do with a car if they caught it applies.

All of us, including these teams, have years of history that inform how we interpret what we see and our decisions. That is a nice way of saying our guts have shit for brains.

Most of that built-up institutional knowledge creates and manages teams that do not perform like the ones I build, and so it should stand that leadership has to alter its approach to these exceptional teams, or they will unwittingly revert them back.

Sadly, most leaders only pay lip service to their interest in changing their own leadership methods and style and hold tight to their institutional knowledge and instinct.

When leaders of these exceptional teams do not also change, these teams will experience 20-50% attrition in the next six months.

Here's what plays out too often. The exceptional team is created, and the team is excited to exist and what potential it feels. Leadership is shocked the team's performance improved so drastically.

Then someone says, "Hey, you have more than one person working on the same thing! That's not efficient."

This will be one of the leaders who I've been working with to prepare for this day and is now seeing the reality of what we had discussed as theory previously.

I remind them of how this works, why these processes create the results they do, and if you change the process, you'll get different results.

They insist it's inefficient and force the team to abandon their new process. The metrics plummet to where they used to be, and the team's morale is devastated.

Everyone on the team is hit with the reality that they work for a leader in a company that cares more about doing things the way they want than doing things well. Everyone knows what great is and works in a company that doesn't want it.

When people realize they work for a leader like that or in a company like that, they quit.

The bottom line here is that these exceptional teams can take on just about anything when they're supported in doing it. They will dissolve when someone insists they perform worse.



PS: If you want to discuss this more, schedule a call with me. I'm taking on new clients and am happy to talk through the problems in your organization.
