What I Learned From a Fire

Happy Monday!Take a look at this photo!Now, this photo is from the 4th of July at my in-laws place. This is a wildfire that started on their property. What isn't pictured here is the black smoldering field that goes to the horizon.My father-in-law wa...

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Jul 08, 2024
Projects and Products

Happy Friday!It is interesting to hear the shifts that are happening across clients. No, I'm not talking about every company trying to throw AI at everything. I'm talking about more fundamental changes. One of these changes that I keep bumping into i...

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Jun 21, 2024
Two Types of Motivation Every Leader Should Know

At this point, I think almost everyone has heard that research shows that motivated teams perform better than those who aren’t motivated. What is often less obvious, from what I can tell, is how to motivate teams and individuals.

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Mar 13, 2024
Superstitions and Piseogs

I bet most of you are wondering what the word piseog is and it is pretty tricky to look up. I first encountered it in one of my favorite books, “The Once and Future King” by T.H. White. If you’ve ever watched “The Sword in the Stone” animated movie,...

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Mar 02, 2024
Tick-Tock of the Agile Clock

I often think about where large transformations go wrong in organizations. I’ve been through several “agile” flavored ones, and at this point, I think they’re mostly doomed to fail. That doesn’t mean that pursuing agility is a waste of time, but ther...

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Feb 14, 2024
Three Costly Mistakes of Technical Teams

Everyone thinks they have the answer to what will improve things, and technical teams are often very vocal about their ideas. Yet, in my experience, many technical teams advocate for things that can be far more costly than what is happening today, an...

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Feb 05, 2024
Stop Planning and Start Learning

The book “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries swept through the product and business world in 2011, and it had a simple message: Organizations that learn the fastest win. He also brought the concept of Minimum Viable Product to life.

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Jan 29, 2024
The Quick and the Dead of Prioritization

I’ve often felt like one of my natural talents or superpowers is how I prioritize features for products. Now, I know it is easy for anyone to feel that way, but there is a very sharp contrast between the backlogs I create and what most others create.

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Jan 23, 2024
Agile Isn’t Dead, But Your Career Might Be

All over LinkedIn, my feed is full of people saying Agile is dead or that Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches aren’t needed. I understand both the sentiment and the clickbait nature of this kind of headlines. Though if it were clickbait, people would say...

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Jan 18, 2024
What the Greeks and Romans Can Teach Us About Design

In my last years of college, I took a lot of history classes, and I wound up loving them. So much so that I thought I should have pursued a minor. While this doesn’t make me an expert, I learned some things that stick out to me, and there is one I’m...

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Jan 15, 2024