How Much Are You Worth? 💵

Happy Friday!I work with a lot of people who are trying to get a new job and get hung up on the compensation. They inevitably experience a dilemma of seeing how much compensation they could potentially make, but they don't want a crappy job either.Wh...

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Jan 28, 2022
Why I don't mock in tests 🤔

Happy Friday!I am taking a break from reading building codes to send you an email about another pretty dull seeming topic--test mocking.The building codes are because we are about to begin building a home soon and I'm going to be that guy.When people...

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Jan 21, 2022
Rituals and Piseogs ✨

Happy Friday!I bet several of you are looking at the word piseog for the first time. I bumped into it in one of my favorite books, "The Once and Future King." That book, is the retelling of the story of King Arthur. The Disney movie, "Sword in the St...

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Jan 14, 2022
A Magic Phrase that Inspires Change 🎆

Happy Friday!Hope your holidays went well and that your new year is starting off well. I personally find myself adjusting rather slowly back to a normal-ish routine.I was on a call with some clients and as it tends to happen even though my clients do...

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Jan 07, 2022
Why I Love Sprint Reviews 🎭

Happy Friday!There is a lot on my mind lately with holidays and work. I'll confess now I haven't been writing as much as I should, so as I write this I was going through a list of topics before landing on this one.Why l love sprint reviews!If we zoom...

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Nov 19, 2021
Runbooks and RICE 🍙🍛

Happy Friday!This week's email will be a little bit of a grab bag of stuff, so bear with me.There was a discussion in an engineering leadership community about something and that lead to someone sharing a runbook from a development agency.Now, I will...

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Nov 12, 2021
Mastering a Technical Interview 💻

Hi there,I hope you all had a great Halloween weekend. In our house, it was the best one yet. My oldest son is really just now old enough to get into the costumes and trick-or-treating, and so we had a lot to enjoy.There has been an uptick of people...

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Nov 05, 2021
Thoughts on The Great Resignation 🤔

Happy Friday and Halloween Weekend!I love Halloween weekend. Oddly I do almost nothing to celebrate it though. So I'm sitting here writing this email to you all, giddy with excitement about my favorite time of year where I have no real plans.Now, mos...

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Oct 29, 2021
Troubles with Transparency ☁

Hi there,Here's my weekly update for October 15th, 2021...@recursivefaults“What’s so hard about writing a line a code, knowing it won’t break, and pushing it?”8:10 PM · Oct 12, 2021View on Twitter@recursivefaults"If when planning your releases you re...

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Oct 15, 2021