Local optimizations are great!

Happy Friday!Last night my wife and I went to a concert and while we were walking from our car to the venue we saw a special VIP parking area guarded by a teen. The teen was sitting on a stool behind a large orange cone, and a few feet away another l...

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Sep 06, 2024
Fall Prep Isn't Just For the Bees 🐝

Happy Friday,I don't know about the rest of you, but I do know I get that weird itch in Spring that I need to clean up and make everything feel fresh again. I also get the same feeling right now through early fall. Only it isn't to freshen things. It...

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Aug 30, 2024
How much does quality cost?

Happy Friday,When I work with leaders in most tech organizations, they almost all express a desire for their teams to go faster. The way they express this varies from small phrases interjected here and there to outright threatening people that they n...

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Aug 16, 2024
What I Learned From a Fire

Happy Monday!Take a look at this photo!Now, this photo is from the 4th of July at my in-laws place. This is a wildfire that started on their property. What isn't pictured here is the black smoldering field that goes to the horizon.My father-in-law wa...

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Jul 08, 2024
Projects and Products

Happy Friday!It is interesting to hear the shifts that are happening across clients. No, I'm not talking about every company trying to throw AI at everything. I'm talking about more fundamental changes. One of these changes that I keep bumping into i...

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Jun 21, 2024
Simulate simulate simulate 💻

Happy Friday,I haven't written in a while. I miss you too.Life got very busy for me very quickly. One week, I was ramping up with a new client; the next, I was at a weeklong leadership training; and the next, I was dealing with a tornado that hit.I l...

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Jun 07, 2024
Don't Look Back

Happy Friday!One thing that keeps me going is the feedback I get from clients and co-workers. If you know me in person, you know I can't take a compliment, and when I hear one, I want to run away.People who know me really well use this against me.Whe...

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May 03, 2024