I have a fun and uplifting challenge!

This week, I have a fun and uplifting challenge: every day I challenge you to give a genuine compliment to at least one complete stranger!This challenge is awesome because it has a triple-whammy effect.First, you’re giving the person you’re complimen...

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Jun 19, 2022
Lower Back Pain Struggle

Today I’m going to share one of the most common things I see people with lower back pain struggle with. But before I do that, I’d like to introduce you to one of my clients, Vicky. Vicky struggled with becoming more immobile and taking more pain...

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Jun 05, 2022
Back pain no more!

If you are suffering from lower back pain and are looking to have that ideal day 👏  where you go through the entire day without having a back spasm or your back aching and having to stand up to ease the pain then continue to read!  &n...

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May 22, 2022
Exercising with bad backs.

Many exercise classes don’t take into consideration people with lower back pain. I mean how can you do an aerobics class or any high impact class when you get pains from the impact?And when you’re constantly searching for some exercise that your body...

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May 15, 2022
Feeling unmotivated?

Hi all, Have you found that since the pandemic you seem to have not got back to your usual activities due to feeling unmotivated?  Perhaps you are feeling a little low and miserable? It can take a while to get back to your usual self a...

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May 01, 2022
BIG News & You’re Hearing It First

I have big news,Because you are on my email list, you are one of the first to hear about this. Here is the inside scoop that not many know yet:I’m arranging a weekend retreat in the Cotswolds for next year which will include: Gentle mindful...

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Apr 03, 2022
What is Yoga?

What is Yoga? Many think that Yoga is ‘just another form of exercise’ in which you bend, twist and stretch your muscles to get the best out of the postures but Yoga is much more than this; it is not only an exercise for your body, it is also a r...

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Mar 31, 2022
Self-Care Course Starting

Let’s be honest about it... as adults, it’s easy to feel out of control. Between family, work and other obligations, there are times when you might not have control over even the simplest of things... What you think about as you go through...

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Mar 20, 2022