Make Time to Stretch

In my last email we talked about the importance of gaining muscle, it is equally important to stretch out your muscles. This gets even more important as you get older. Not only does it help cut back on aches and pains, but it helps your muscles move...

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Nov 29, 2021
Do this now and “future you” will thank you for it!

Good day to you!Do you ever see videos online of people in their 70s and beyond shooting hoops, bicycling, or busting a move on the dance floor and think, “I want to be that person when I grow up”?I know I do!“One of my dreams is to still be able to...

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Nov 22, 2021
Sorry it’s been so long!

How are you all? I’m a little embarrassed to send this email as its been so long since my last one! You know how it goes you intend to do something then it doesn’t happen and times goes on and on and it gets harder and harder to do it, you keep...

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Nov 15, 2021
Managing Emotions After Lockdown

As we ease back out of lockdown, there is a lot to think about. Lockdown has impacted our mental and physical health in different ways and with restrictions being eased we need to give ourselves time to adjust to the changes. You might feel anxious,...

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Aug 05, 2021

Choose one new habit to help you achieve your ultimate goal.In my recent emails we have been talking about goals, depending on your goal, you might come up with a huge list of "ALL THE THINGS" you need to do to make your goal a reality.But for right...

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Jul 18, 2021
Sign Up Now for Yoga and Pilates Classes!

I’m so pleased to see so many people at class recently, the Monday class is now full but we still have spaces on Tuesday 9.45am and Wednesday 9.45am Pilates and 2 spaces left on Yoga on Thursdays at 5.30pm so if you have been thinking of joining for...

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Jul 14, 2021
Why your goal matters.

In my previous email I talked about the importance of habits and we began to think about your goal today we will be thinking about  WHY you want to achieve this goal?Take some time to think about exactly WHY this goal matters to you.What’s so im...

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Jun 27, 2021
Why habits are important?

From the minute you wake up in the morning until you go to bed at night, you operate out of habit.That doesn’t mean you’re acting mindlessly, but it does mean you’ve already created many go-to routines that have become ingrained in your daily life.An...

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Jun 23, 2021
Self care is not selfish

Self Care is an essential skill to cultivate as it helps to manage challenges, pain and hardships in this uncertain and changing world. I'm running a free course if you are part of BANES council that will help you to take care of yourself on a daily...

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Jun 06, 2021
FREE - guided imagery session

I wrote in my last email about the power of guided imagery meditation sessions, it appears the link wasn't working. Please this link to view:, this course is free if you are in BANES and is run on zoom...

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Jun 05, 2021