One day I'll do it…

 10 years... 10 years it took.. One day I'll do it. That's what my husband said to me every time I asked him to try Yoga. 10 years of asking and he finally said yes. He was too apprehensive to try out a class fearing that he would slow the...

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Mar 13, 2022
If you have no time to relax read this email!

I know we are often too busy to take care of the important things in life.  For the last 6 months I’ve put myself as a priority by incorporating time for self care by resting for 1 hour every day. This has been transformational for me. I’ve got...

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Feb 23, 2022
Burn Calories

Did you know you can burn an estimated 160 calories for 45 minutes Pilates session, 120 calories for 1 hour Yoga session? Turn your next coffee date with your girlfriends into a Yoga or Pilates class you’ll all benefit from getting in more daily...

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Feb 21, 2022
Not sure if you are ready for Yoga? Read this.

Have you been thinking about joining a yoga class but don’t know where to start? I don’t know about you but I always want to hear reviews and then make my decision, if you are the same as me, you can check out my reviews on google by searching S...

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Feb 14, 2022
I did it!

Hey,Over the last few years I have been thinking about starting a weekend retreat but it was so overwhelming for me sorting the food, accommodation and planning the event. I often tell my students the way to your big goals is making smaller goal...

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Feb 07, 2022
How to relax?

Life can be full of stress and frustration. ? which in turn can cause increased heartbeat ❤️, can cause the breath to become rapid and short which puts us into the parasympathetic system (the fight of flight, as though you are running ?from a tiger m...

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Dec 27, 2021
Age Is Nothing But a Number

Did you know exercising regularly can also have a positive impact on the immune system, blood pressure, cardiovascular system and it can decrease the risk of heart disease and help with depression and anxiety?Adults who exercise on a regular basis ge...

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Dec 20, 2021
Do you want to improve your balance?

According to the NHS website, older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition or weak muscles. If you are an older adult and are worried that exercise may be too strenuous or do you more...

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Dec 13, 2021