Happy Friday, ! Doing balance training is super important at every age, but ESPECIALLY as you get older. Check out these stats: ●     1 in 4 people over 65 falls every year, but less than half tell their doctor●&nbs...

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Jun 10, 2023
Choco-Chia Recovery Drink

Happy Wednesday, !💪🥤I’m calling this a “recovery” drink because it’s packed with healthy ingredients that can help your body rebound after a workout … … and it’s packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, potassium, fiber, and more. But it’s...

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May 31, 2023

Happy Wednesday, !🤔Willpower is a limited resource.🙈 . 🙉 . 🙊🔥IT DEPENDS 🔥🧠🔬New research shows that the answer is all in YOUR mindset.If you think you only have a limited amount of willpower, you are right.And if you think you have plenty of i...

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May 25, 2023

Happy Monday, !As the weather gets warmer and we’re able to get outside again, it’s a great reminder that the seasons always change.But do you?It’s pretty common for people to use Spring as a reason to clean out and organize their home and/or office...

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May 23, 2023

Happy Wednesday, !🚨 This recipe is a good “emergency” meal to keep in mind when you need something fast & easy… but you also don’t have the time or energy to do much cooking.It’s also a FANTASTIC base for meal-prep meals.3-Ingredient Healthy Chi...

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May 17, 2023
🔥TIP: Find your “why.”

Happy Tuesday, !💪🎯 When you have a “why,” you have a purpose.When you have a purpose, getting in that workout or taking the time to meal prep a couple of times a week takes on an ENTIRELY different meaning.I’ve been talking a lot about mental tough...

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May 16, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Sunday, !🌷💐🎉 Happy Mother’s Day from all of your friends at Rigueur Soma Performance. We hope you have a fantastic day!Coach Lu Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong InstructorRigueur Soma Performancew: https://rsomaperfo...

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May 14, 2023
This is what personal responsibility looks like

Happy Tuesday, !This month we’re focused on taking BIG ACTION toward our goals by doubling down on the one thing that will help you move the needle forward in a BIG WAY…It’s taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (aka practicing resilience, mental toughness,...

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May 10, 2023
Next time you crave ice cream, try this

Happy Sunday, !This month we are talking about resilience… mental toughness… and taking personal responsibility!The foods you choose to eat play a HUGE role in your resilience. Here’s why:You’ve probably heard that chronic inflammation plays a big r...

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May 08, 2023
The 6 Types of Stress

Happy Thursday, !How many kinds of stress are you dealing with right now?(There are SIX major types of it.)Stress is like a double-edged sword for our health.In manageable doses, it can actually be good for you and boost your resilience.It can motiva...

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May 05, 2023