Soul Body Transformation Updates

Hey, !Today, I'd like to share with you the new updates on Soul Body Transformation - Master Class Join us for a yearly intensive Master Class to:learn more about the Soul, Re-energize your Life Force Energy w/specific Qigong Breathing exercises...

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Mar 14, 2022
❓MYTH OR FACT - Stretch before I work out❓

Happy Friday, ❓MYTH OR FACT ❓🤔 I should stretch before I work out.🙈.🙉.🙊🔥MYTH 🔥Before your workout, the best warmup includes foam rolling your muscles to help loosen up tight spots and doing DYNAMIC movements – aka “moving” exercises.👉These a...

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Mar 11, 2022
Invitation to Live Fitness Meditation

Dear !This is a reminder that our Live Training will start today at 4:45 PM. Be READY To go over Good Evening Qigong, Breathing Exercises, Qigong Flow, and some Therapeutic Exercises.You have been invited to join the live class Fi...

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Mar 08, 2022
❓MYTH OR FACT ❓Chocolate milk

Happy Monday, !🤔Chocolate milk is a great post-workout recovery drink..🙈.🙉.🙊.🔥FACT 🔥You’re welcome! :-)Low-fat chocolate milk has long been recommended as a simple (and delicious!) source of the nutrients that can help your body recover from wo...

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Mar 08, 2022
Slow Cooker Shredded Chicken

Happy Thursday, ! 💯🏆This recipe belongs in the hall of fame of meal-prep options (but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it immediately after cooking).It’s simple … tasty … adaptable … requires 1 pan (actually a slow cooker) … is awesome for bulk co...

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Mar 03, 2022
Soul Body Transformation - Master Class' updates!

Happy Thursday, !Due to the weather conditions for tomorrow, some of my clients want to see me today till 7:30 pm. So, we'll have our group class tomorrow Friday, 02/27/22 In at 6:45 PM EST. If there are any changes I'll let you know soon as possible...

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Feb 24, 2022
Start & end each day with this

Happy Thursday, !Go for a walk, give someone you love a hug, breathe in the fresh air – anything that makes your heart happy.I’ve got a weird tip today to help you make every day a great day … and set your mindset up for success.I actually gave this...

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Feb 24, 2022
The no. 1 reason people can’t sleep

Happy Sunday, !I’ve got a little bonus challenge for you today that can play a surprising role in your results … and (even better) help you feel better.Here it is: Take a few minutes today to think about your STRESS MANAGEMENT plan.Everyone should ha...

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Feb 20, 2022
❓MYTH OR FACT - Cholesterol ❓

Happy Thursday, !🤔Some cholesterol is good for me..🙈.🙉.🙊.🔥FACT 🔥 There are two basic kinds of cholesterol – low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “lousy”), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “healthy”). ❤️LDL cholesterol can collect in yo...

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Feb 17, 2022