Loaded but empty

Hi ,I woke up a bit excited today, well I really don't know but I feel so light maybe because I did some unburdening yesterday.So many times we get our head filled up with too much information that we find ourselves so confused as to which to use or...

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Jun 27, 2020
Be who you want to attract

Hi I know you are waiting to hear the concluding part of my story but before that: How are you really doing?I know that sounds more like the normal everyday question we get to ask people nonchalantly without meaning it but hey, I mean this; how are y...

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Jun 26, 2020
I suck at friendship

Hello ,This morning, I was so engrossed in my own thoughts about how people can go from being strangers to being friends and suddenly back to being strangers again.Its weird , but it is what it is.No matter your level of experience, nothing prepares...

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Jun 25, 2020
I suck at friendship

Hello ,This morning, I was so engrossed in my own thoughts about how people can go from being strangers to being friends and suddenly back to being strangers again.Its weird , but it is what it is.No matter your level of experience, nothing prepares...

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Jun 24, 2020
Empty cups

Hello ,There is a lot going on especially in and off the digital space and it is only wise that we understand how to navigate through the stream of life so we don't drown or aid the drowning of others.In the bid the be mature, a lot of persons have s...

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Jun 23, 2020

Hello , There is a level of commitment I will see a person put into trying to exposing somebody, and instead of being sympathetic to the "exposer", I get sickened by the energy he/she put into it. Many times when I witness such act of trying to...

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Jun 22, 2020
Celebrating fathers

Hello ,Today is one of those days set aside to celebrate the father figures in our lives.There is a huge different between a man who impregnates a lady and the man who nurtures the child.Some men have lost their places in the lives of their children...

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Jun 21, 2020
Tone it down

Hello ,Today, I really want to share something about our mindset and how it affects us.There is a verse in the Bible that says" I wish above all things that you prosper even as your soul prospers".Our mindset and our success are interwoven.When we ar...

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Jun 20, 2020
Thank God, it's Friday

Hello .⁣The past few weeks have been a roller-coaster for me but despite all I am grateful.One thing that has kept me strong despite everything is the knowledge that soon everything will be alright and this phase will pass.One thing you should know a...

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Jun 19, 2020
lets create some magic....

Hi .I understand a lot of person are stuck on how to create content, so today I will be giving you the 7 ways to start creating content90% of the questions I get inbox is, " I don't know how to create content"., you do and you sure can become a guru...

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Jun 18, 2020