Are you visible?

Hello ,When business owners send me messages complaining about their business not meeting their expectations, sales not coming in, and how they may be shutting down the business; it hurts me so much because as a business owner myself I can so relate...

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Jun 17, 2020
Left behind

Hello ,Since I heard the news of her death, Ibidunni Ajayi Ighodalo. I have had this unrest in my spirit.Life is indeed fragile and death has no respect for color, tribe, gender, or influence and it struck without mercy.I have not stopped reading abo...

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Jun 16, 2020
Burn it up!!!

Hello ,This title reminds me of the legendary singer and songwriter R. Kelly; I wonder what's up with him now....well that a gist for another day.I promised to talk about how to get the hot audience that you have blazing. Kindly don't burn them like...

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Jun 16, 2020

Hello ,First, how did you day go? I hope you had a great day.Being a lover of speed, I am openly admitting that I am in a romantic affair with fast cars. II love driving so fast especially when I have a great dance-able gbedu giving me that 'life n...

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Jun 15, 2020
It just takes time....

Hello ,Well, how are you doing? I guess we are all gradually fitting back into our various lives and businesses after the lock-down.My weekend was eventful to say the least ; mixed feelings and loads of unanswered questions but still we move.I want t...

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Jun 15, 2020
Get them into the fire!!!

Hello ,How is your day going?Yesterday I discussed who a cold audience is and how to get him/her from being cold to being warm.Today, I will be discussing who a warm audience is and how to get him/her HOT.A warm audience is that audience that alread...

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Jun 11, 2020
Can you light up your customers?

Hello ,Why does it look like so many of the suppose people who ought to buy from us are not buying?Do you think they are asleep or your content isn't compelling enough or is it that they don't like you or are they not aware you exist?Before I explain...

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Jun 10, 2020
Who is your solution for?

Good morning, In my last mail, I asked if you know who your Ideal Audience is?From the few response I got, I noticed that most people want to colonize the global market by selling to everybody which at the end will result to them selling to nobody.Fo...

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Jun 09, 2020
Are you showing up?

Hello ,Though I have been a bit moody for a couple of days but I am getting a hold of my emotions et al.It is the first working day of the week and it is very important that you show up on you page/handle on any of digital platform you belong to.,...

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Jun 08, 2020
A new week?

Welcome to a new week, Amazing how time flies, its is already the 7th day in the 6th month in the year 2020.Sundays are like my relaxing and reflecting days because I get to do my own stuff like sleeping and not having my bath till night [ smiles]. I...

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Jun 07, 2020