Empty cups

Jun 23, 2020 11:34 am

Hello ,

There is a lot going on especially in and off the digital space and it is only wise that we understand how to navigate through the stream of life so we don't drown or aid the drowning of others.

In the bid the be mature, a lot of persons have sold their inner peace just for validation.

Maturity is very different from stupidity and this is one fact that we need to define and get clarity on.

Trying to be there for everyone [ oshey comforter] is stupidity.

Trying to get the opinion of everybody about how your life should go is not maturity or humility but sheer stupidity.

Working your butt off just for the validation of keyboard warriors is freaking stupidity.

Knowing when you have had enough

Knowing your boundaries in peoples lives

Not forcing friendship

Not trying to fit into every circle is what maturity looks like.

Maturity is accepting that you are not perfect but your mess doesn't define you neither does the opinion of anyone.

Maturity is not allowing yourself to be a dumpsite because you want to show the world that you are a caring person, my friend, your life will be messed up.

Guess what? They don't care.

After you are done killing yourself for them, they will move on to another or even go back to the people who broke them in the first place and the circle continues.

Hey , get yourself out of that simultaneous equation and learn to say no to user and HELL YES, that is what maturity looks like.

Stop pouring into cups that won't do the same for you or even try to help you get refilled.

You need to know when to stop, set boundaries because users and takers will never stop taking or using you for their selfish interest.


Setting a healthy boundary is necessary so you don't drown helping others with no one to help you not even you because you have exhausted all your energy and resources helping people who can not or not willing to help you.

Wishing you an amazing day.



