
Jun 22, 2020 11:33 am

Hello ,

There is a level of commitment I will see a person put into trying to exposing somebody, and instead of being sympathetic to the "exposer", I get sickened by the energy he/she put into it.


Many times when I witness such act of trying to expose another, I am compelled to ask myself these questions:


Why is this person doing this?

What is he/she trying to prove?

what is the motive behind this action?

Is he/she doing this because he/she love humanity, or because he/she is just vindictive?


I no longer get moved by Bible passages and declarations because I have seen how psychopaths and narcissists use these Bible passages to back up their acts.


A lot of times we allow the quest for vengeance to blind us from seeing the real message in a situation instead we are on the defensive trying to win a battle that may only be existing in our head.


, do you know that I was once caught in a wed, where a lady I so much respect here on this digital space was trying to present me in a bad light to a mutual friend just because she felt I was closer to this friend and she didn't like it or maybe she felt she deserved that closeness more?


In the process of working her plans to proof I wasn't worth the kind of love this mutual friend was giving me, she ended up exposing who she really was to not just the person she was trying to please but to the entire circle of friends.I cut off from her immediately and removed myself from that equation.


A friend once told me that, when you bend to sneak on others just so you can gather dirt on them with which to mess them up, you expose yourself to the public to be openly scrutinized.


Instead of trying to expose others, try to be the right model that you expect them to be.

Stop trying to fight for God, "vengeance is mine says the Lord'.

How many battle can you really fight if God doesn't endorse it?

You can call out a misbehavior in a constructive way that will not make you look bitter or desperate to ruin another.

Wishing you an amazing day,



