5 Dangers Of Staying In The Cold Plunge Too Long

I’ll never forget a year after I started cold plunging in 2019. A few of my fellow ultra marathon runners also took up the practice. As you might know, ultra runners tend to push boundaries, and some of them believed that staying in the ice bath as l...

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Aug 26, 2024
3 Quick Sunday Thoughts 💡

On Sundays I like to reflect on the past week and share some thoughts that have been on my mind. People seem to always enjoy these. Take what serves you, discard the rest. 1-Admitting you need sleep and rest is NOT a sign of weakness....

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Aug 25, 2024
5 reasons you need to see this cave before you die.

Hey , I’ll never forget the first time I hiked up to the Darby Wind Cave. I was 13 years old, a typical teenager who was more interested in complaining than hiking. But as I started up the switchbacking trail, something incredible happened. ...

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Aug 24, 2024
3 quick questions for ya

Hey Friends, We’re considering making some (hopefully very positive) changes at our studio, and would love your feedback! Would you mind answering 3 quick questions? 👉3 quick survey questions here. We really appreciate it! Y...

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Aug 22, 2024
Want to Lose A Few Pounds? We Made This For You.

Howdy 🤠!Did you know that cold plunging can help in burning fat and losing weight? We’ve been busy building a comprehensive guide that explains: -The science behind why it works-Specific fat burning protocols-Case studies-Helpful tips to...

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Aug 21, 2024
5 Simple Tips To Enhance Your Breathwork Experience

Hey , Since 2019, I've committed to practicing breathwork every single day, for at least 15 minutes. Most days, I end up doing about an hour of conscious breathing. This isn’t to brag or sound spiritually evolved—in fact, quite the opposite...

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Aug 20, 2024
How to Lose Weight By Cold Plunging

Happy Monday !Can you actually lose weight from cold plunging? Let’s get into it. The Science Behind Cold Plunging 🔬When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body activates brown adipose tissue (BAT), which burns calories to generate h...

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Aug 19, 2024
1 Year Free Othership Breathwork App Giveaway! 🎁

Hola,You = awesome. 👍Our giveaway = awesome. 🎁Click below to enter our giveaway… it’s 100% free and you could win! (Winner announced Aug 31st!)👉 1 Year Subscription to Othershiphttps://kingsumo.com/g/36j06om/1-year-subscription-to-othership&n...

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Aug 16, 2024
20 Practices I Do To Feel Better When Bummed

It’s not uncommon in our super fast paced world to neglect our own mental health. I know firsthand that sometimes that despair creeps up on us. We go so results focused. We try to control everything. We hustle harder and think th...

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Aug 15, 2024
5 Cold Plunge Jokes You Should Keep on Ice 🧊

Hey ,We all know the benefits of a good cold plunge, but did you know it comes with its own cool sense of humor? (Oh yeah, pun intended...)Here are 5 icy jokes to keep you chillin' during your next plunge and to share with your frost loving friends:...

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Aug 14, 2024