Tranquil Tuesday: 5 Tips to Elevate Your Mind, Body, and Spirit 🌿

Sep 10, 2024 10:30 am

Hey ,

Happy Tuesday!

Let’s dive into this week’s edition of Tranquil Tuesday—your 5 tips to keep your mind, body, and soul feeling good.

These are all "real world" things I've been enjoying and doing lately.


1. Breathwork of the Week:

This week’s breathwork is courtesy of Breath Central on YouTube. It’s your traditional Wim Hof breathing but with no talking at all, which makes it perfect for sinking into a deep, healing state first thing in the morning. Trust me, I’ve been doing this in the mornings, and it sets the tone for my whole day.

Pro tip: Roll out of bed, hit the restroom, and press play. That’s it. Let me know how it goes!

You can check out the session here. (free)

2. Body Boost Tuesday Tip:

Alright, this one’s a little out there, but stick with me.

Have you ever tried doing pushups after your last round of Wim Hof breathing?

It’s next level.

Here’s how it works: On your final round, after you finish the last breath, exhale completely, and while holding your breath, hit the floor and crank out as many pushups as you can.

Because of all the extra oxygen in your body, you’ll probably be able to do way more pushups than usual.

It’s crazy!

I’ve been doing this for years and it blows my mind every time. Give it a go!

3. Soul Reflection Thought:

Last week, I was listening to a podcast and the host asked the guest for any parting words.

The guest just said, "Be kinder to yourself."

And man, that hit me.

We’re all our toughest critics, right?

Sometimes it’s so easy to focus on what we haven’t done yet or where we’ve fallen short.

But today, I’m inviting you to take 60 seconds—just one minute—and reflect on how far you’ve come.

Even the tiniest bit of progress counts.

Real life example...

Oh wow, I just realized that just 2 short years ago I could barely do 25 pushups on a good now. Now I can do 85 each morning (thanks Wim Hof breathing and consistency!) Progress.

What about you?

4. Nourish to Flourish Tip:

Damn I love me some ice cream.

But I know that sugar late at night isn’t my friend, especially when I’m trying to wind down.

Luckily, my wife came to the rescue with a healthier alternative.

Lately, I’ve been blending up organic almond milk, a high-quality sugar-free protein powder, and ice for this killer homemade "ice cream."

It’s delicious, sugar-free, and hits the spot every time.

So if you’re like me and have a bit of a sweet tooth but want something better for your body, give this a try.

(This stuff is worth every delicious penny OMG)

5. Weekly Challenge:

I’ve always kept a gratitude journal, but recently, I added something new: a WIW (What I Want) journal.


Every day, I write down at least one thing I want.

It sounds simple, but there’s something powerful about putting your desires on paper.

Once you start writing, it flows, and before you know it, you’ve got a list of things that really matter to you.

It’s a great way to get clear on your goals and dreams.

So here’s my challenge for you this week—write down at least one thing you want every day.

Don’t overthink it.

Just let it flow.

It’s a small practice with a big impact.

That’s it for this week, my friends.

Have an awesome Tuesday,


Kensho Co-Founder

P.S. Which one of these are you committed to trying this week? Hit reply and let me know. I love hearing from everyone.

P.P.S. It wasn't cold, but I ventured with my daughter this last week to a "hidden canyon" with quite the view! (Worth seeing if you're ever in Tucson)

We caught it right at sunset.

Check it out below (pic)

