is Tuesday a good day to do this? (why not)

Sep 17, 2024 10:01 am

Tuesday may seem like an unconventional day to reflect upon a past week, but quite frankly, it seems as good of a time as any. 

This week, I just want to share some thoughts that have been on my heart. 

I hope that you find value out of some of these .

Remedy for the “Worst Day Everrrrr” 🌵

Last Sunday was a challenging day for me. 


It seems I’m eternally needing to be reminded of lessons in managing expectations. 

Yes, I’m an optimist by nature. 

So when things don’t flow the way I hope, I can get bamboozled mentally. 

I spiraled Sunday for the first half of the day, leading myself into a bad mental place. 

The remedy? 

I willed myself to get out into nature. 

It’s amazing how the combination of movement + sunshine +sweat + silence (getting off of the phone) works miracles. 

As I sat at the edge of a desert canyon creek with my daughter, all the icky feelings internally started to fade away. 

Nature always reminds me that we aren’t separate from everything else. 

And I would argue that much of our suffering in this lifetime comes from trying to be separate from the rest of nature. 

What We Appeciate, Appeciates. 📈

No doubt you’ve heard this? 

It’s a clever play on words and meanings, and spot on. 

Look for things to appreciate, and it’s as if Life magically starts to roll out the red carpet for us. 

Challenge: Find 10 things to appreciate before you even sip your morning coffee. ☕

Ash Fertilizes Soil 🌱

For some, it may feel like when we look back on our lives, that we’ve done too much damage to ever really fulfill a meaningful life. 

The pain of regret. 

A past that we can never recoup. 

Let us remind ourselves that ash from a forest fire fertilizes the soil and prepares it for the next seedlings of trees to flourish. 

May the ashes be the start, not the ending. 

Don’t Compete, Collaborate

I recently read this awesome book by Joe Polish. 

It changed my thinking around “competition”. 

Thinking in terms of “what is my competition doing?” is scarcity thinking. 

Shift instead to recognizing the greatness in what others are doing, and seek more ways to collaborate with them. 

Ponder that one. 

It’s big. 

Finally, I’ll leave you with a short poem I wrote: 

10 Minutes To Think

The demands, the noise, the false world that barely allows us to blink,

Can best be tamed, by just 10 minutes to think. 

Shut it off, power down, blue light be damned to hell, 

It’s my time, just 10 minutes to sit and to be well. 

And it is from the very well of our own internal intuition, 

That all is seen as it really is, 

And the beautiful PRESENT moment is brought into clear fruition. 

Have a beautiful Tuesday, 

-Brock Cannon

Kensho Co-Founder

P.S. Which of these things above 👆 resonates most this week? Hit reply and let me know. 

P.P.S. If you’ve read this far, I appreciate you. 

Your attention and presence to read my words means the world. 

