Open if you're in your 40's, 50's, or 60's

Sep 19, 2024 9:55 am

As I write this I’m 43 years old. (I was born in April 1981)

According to my recent nerdy bloodwork analysis, my biological age is 36. 


Somedays I feel like I’m 20-something, some moments I feel like I’m 3 years old about to throw a tantrum, and some days I feel like life’s wisdom is pouring into me like a wise elder in their 80’s. 

Age fluidity as Chip Conley calls it,  which suggests that people in midlife are not confined by societal expectations but can continue to grow, contribute, and find joy. 

I started thinking a lot about “midlife” in the last 24 hours as I dove into a super interesting podcast with Rich Roll and Chip Conley (quoted above). 

💡If you do nothing else today, listen to the podcast here. 

It’s definitely a perspective shifter. 

Personally, I feel like I’m at the tail-end of a midlife crisis. 

The past 24 months have been well, basically “ME” getting my ass kicked over and over through some of life’s hardest lessons. 

I’ve had many times I thought it would totally break me. 

And yet after hearing this podcast today, I couldn’t help but think: 

“What if all of this isn’t a crisis, but a chrysalis?” 

🐛Just like the caterpillar that completely transforms, disintegrates into a blob of mush and then emerges as a butterfly, perhaps the rebirth awaits. 

I don’t know if any of you fellow “mid-lifers” can relate, but what if that rebirth is just around the corner? Or hell, maybe you’re in it right now? 

Life can be beautiful at any age. 

In fact, recent research suggests that life happiness actually begins to progressively improve when we’re in our 50’s, and subjects report that each decade all the way into their 80’s felt better than the last one. 

We’re just getting started. 

Life is short as they say, but life is also long for most of us. 

Humans (you, my friend) are amazing. 

I’ve seen an 8 year old (with his parents present lol) sit in an ice bath for 3 minutes and I’ve also witnessed an 88 year old who had trouble walking do the same (shout out to you Lucy if you’re reading!) 😀

Let’s make aging beautiful (as they do in most Eastern countries) and honor the wisdom that age brings. 

That’s all I got. 

I hope you have an amazing day, 

-Brock “mid-life” Cannon

Kensho Co-Founder

P.S. Ready to stop making excuses and join a community that helps you build resilience? 

Sign up as a Kensho member here. 

P.P.S. Let me know if you love the podcast as much as I did 🙂
