what defines you?

For many of us, what we do defines who we are. But...should it?According to author and entrepreneur Cory Camp, “What you do for a living doesn’t define you, it’s just merely an expression of who you are.”As an ex-collegiate swimmer, Cory knows the st...

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May 20, 2022
How to find authentic community

If there’s one thing the past couple of years have shown us, it’s that community is an essential part of the human experience.In order to thrive to our fullest extent, we need other people around us to support us along the way. But how? In a busy wor...

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May 06, 2022
What is Self-Care, Really??

In today's world, the term "self-care" is thrown around frequently, yet, do we even really know what it means?While the influencers on Instagram might define "self-care" as sipping wine in your bathtub with a box of chocolates and your favorite Netfl...

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Apr 14, 2022
Story Time: Why Does This Exist?

So, why does any of this exist?What led a college student to start a blog with the mission of helping people break free from their comfort zones?We explore that and more in this week's episode of The Uncomfortable Podcast, as we dive deeper into the...

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Feb 22, 2022
Introducing: The Uncomfortable Podcast 🎙

Well, it's official...Episode One of "The Uncomfortable Podcast" is live now! 🎙In this first episode, we break down more of what Into The Uncomfortable is, the mission behind this podcast, and what you can expect from it. You also get to hear me shar...

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Feb 15, 2022
ANNOUNCEMENT + Happy 2 Years of Uncomfortable 🎉

Two years ago, I pressed "publish" and officially launched Into The Uncomfortable...Although we took a hiatus last year, we've kicked off 2022 stronger than ever, and honestly, the response has been incredible. To continue moving forward strong and e...

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Feb 13, 2022
whoops...wrong link 😅

Hey everyone,The link attached in the email from earlier this morning seems to not be working for some reason, so here's a new one: Blog Post: 5 Affirmations For Knowing Your WorthGo make it a good day! 🏔 Jake

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Feb 01, 2022
5 Affirmations for Knowing Your Worth

Have you ever felt down in the dumps about your worth?Or maybe felt like you aren't good enough?You're not alone.It seems that we all feel that way at some point in our lives, though some may feel it more than others.Regardless, we need to have a way...

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Feb 01, 2022
what's holding you back?

What is holding you back from where you want to be? Is it fear? Is it an excuse? Is it past experiences? Is it something deeper that you think nobody else will be able to understand?Whatever it is, we seek to answer the question o...

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Jan 20, 2022