Learning To Sail

To continue on the theme of “just starting”, this week we dive into the fear of failure when starting something and how to learn from it.

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Aug 07, 2020
Stop Seeking Opportunity

How did I go from dropping out of college to modeling on a boat in two months? By staying open to receiving opportunity. To hear the rest of my story and learn how you can be more open to opportunity, click the button below.

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Jul 16, 2020

Have a project, idea, business, or goal that you are wanting to start but are being held back by fear? Click the button below to read about how I have had to face my fears in starting and learn how you can overcome yours!

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Jul 08, 2020
Diving Into Meditation

Meditation is something we hear thrown around often, however, many of us likely have a misconceived view of what it really is. Today we dive into what meditation really looks like and the importance of it in our daily lives.

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Jun 26, 2020
The Current State of Things

We’re back after being a bit MIA for the past few weeks! Join us as we dive into some of the reasoning behind this as well as some brief thoughts on awareness and stepping away from social media.

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Jun 19, 2020
Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever been in a room full of people and thought you were the dumbest one in the room? Join us this week as we have another guest writer, Roksana, walk us through some of her struggles with imposter syndrome and her journey into the unco...

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May 25, 2020
Why We Should Try All The Time

Have you ever wanted to try something new, apply for a program, or reach out to someone you admire or would like to learn from? Diving into the uncomfortable is all about looking failure in the eyes and saying, “so what? Join us this week as Is...

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May 18, 2020

Well, here we are. We have fought through the confusion, discovered our WHY, and overcame the pre-leap doubts and fears that were attempting to pull us away from the ledge. Now we find ourselves at the fourth and final step: TAKE THE LEAP.

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May 05, 2020
Shaky Knee Syndrome

You find yourself caught in a tug-of-war between safety and soaring, not sure who to follow. You were so ready to fly. Only a moment ago, your knees were bent and ready to release you to defy gravity, and now they are shaking almost uncontrolla...

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Apr 27, 2020
Life Update: Dropping Out

Sometimes you reach a point in your life when you are forced to look in the mirror and ask yourself what you really want out of this life. Join me as I give a quick update of my life and some recent decisions I have made regarding life and coll...

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Apr 23, 2020