7 Fears Today's Creatives Face

Hey everyone,About one month ago, I posted on my Instagram story and asked what your biggest fears were as creatives. I got some pretty incredible responses and decided to write an article addressing those fears and adding my own personal insight to...

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Mar 24, 2021
You're Not An Imposter

Hey y'all, Hope you had a great week! I know for many here in Texas, myself included, we are all still a bit off due to the aftermath of the "snowpocalypse" last week. But hey, it's the weekend now and we've got an all-new blog post for you! Click th...

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Feb 27, 2021
Just Freaking Do It

What up y'all!Hope all of my fellow Texans are staying safe and warm through the craziness that was this last week. As for myself, all is good with me, and other than losing power and water for a couple of days, I wasn't affected too badly by the sto...

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Feb 20, 2021
Whoops... I sent the wrong link! 😬

Due to some last-minute changes, I accidentally included the wrong link to the blog in my last email. Sorry y'all! 😬Here is the correct link: πŸ—’οΈ Life Update: Back in BusinessClick here to read moreEnjoy! 😁-Jake

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Feb 14, 2021
Into The Uncomfortable

What's up y'all,One year ago today, I launched Into The Uncomfortable. Although I've been a bit quiet on there since last summer, I'm excited to announce that WE ARE BACK!!! You can read the first post of 2021 here πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ—’οΈ Life Update: Back in Busin...

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Feb 13, 2021
I'm going to let you in on a secret...

Well, you clicked on this email so you must want to know what the secret is, huh?It's quite simple really.Here it is: NOBODY CARES. Ouch, right? In a world where we are always seeking the attention of others and feeling as though all eyes are on us,...

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Dec 01, 2020
Thank YOU!!!

Hey everyone! I know I usually only send out emails on Tuesday mornings, but I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I hope you have an amazing day, however you're spending it. Given that it is Thanksgiving, I also wanted to let you kn...

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Nov 26, 2020
You were made for more...

What areas of your life might you be settling in right now?Take a second and try to identify any, then write them down. Got yours? Good. Now I'm going to walk you through how to overcome them.Remember last week when we talked about looking yourself i...

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Nov 24, 2020
Who's attention are you seeking?

If you were to walk away from your phone or computer (or whatever you're reading this on) right now, find the nearest mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and honestly ask this question: "Who's attention am I seeking?", would you be happy with your ans...

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Nov 17, 2020
3 Easy Ways To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone TODAY

Breaking out of your comfort zone doesn't always mean skydiving, moving to a new city, or even asking that cute girl or boy out on a date.While all of these things very well could be out of your comfort zone, it does not always take doing something B...

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Nov 10, 2020