What is Self-Care, Really??

Apr 14, 2022 11:31 am

In today's world, the term "self-care" is thrown around frequently, yet, do we even really know what it means?

While the influencers on Instagram might define "self-care" as sipping wine in your bathtub with a box of chocolates and your favorite Netflix show, I think it's much, much more than that.

Self-care is, at its core, taking care of ourselves. Surprisingly, this is something many of us are not so good at...

So, how can we improve?

In this week's episode of "The Uncomfortable Podcast", we break down self-care into four separate categories: physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and social. In addition, we talked about specific ways YOU can be practicing self-care in each area.

Tune in here:

🎥 Watch on YouTube

🎧 Listen on Spotify

🍎 Listen on Apple Podcasts

Next, I would love to hear from you! What is one (or more) way(s) that you practice self-care in your own life? Let me know by responding to this email or shoot me a DM over on Instagram (@intotheuncomfortable).

Thank you all for your continued support as always! Finish your week strong :)

Keep diving,

Jake Allen
