How to find authentic community

May 06, 2022 11:31 am

If there’s one thing the past couple of years have shown us, it’s that community is an essential part of the human experience.

In order to thrive to our fullest extent, we need other people around us to support us along the way. But how? In a busy world that seems to be run by status and attention, how do we find authentic community?

By being someone we would want to be around.

You’ve likely heard it said, “You are the sum of the 5 people you hang around”, yet, I believe it goes the other way too. For instance, if you want to have 5 people around you who are highly driven, happy, active, and put others before themselves, you have to be those things first.

You’re not going to attract that people group by being lazy, sad, unhealthy, and selfish. Even if somehow you do, they’re not going to stick around. Instead, you first need to become the kind of person you want to attract.

Yet, this is only the first step in finding community...

If you want to hear a more in-depth conversation on how to find community, my friend Kalie Souknary recently joined us on The Uncomfortable Podcast to discuss how to find authentic community through vulnerability. We also discussed church & Christianity, how to find your passion, tips for those who struggle with being vulnerable, and so much more.

Tune in on your favorite streaming platform:

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Next, I would love to hear from you! What was your biggest takeaway from this episode with Kalie? Let me know by responding to this email or shoot me a DM over on Instagram (@intotheuncomfortable).

Thank you all for your continued support as always! Finish your week strong :)

Keep diving,

Jake 🏔
