Onward and Upward Newsletter - November 2021

Hi, Huge apologies for not sending any free book offers last month. A lot of things happened over the last few months which have kept me busy and away from my own writing, including house renovations, editing work, and several tiring and expensive vi...

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Nov 03, 2021
Courtesy Update from Chris Lewando

Hi, You are receiving this mail because you have probably acquired one of my books via a promotion. I send out an email once a month on average, with news of our life in Ireland, updates on my writing interests, and at least one link to a freebie or...

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Sep 05, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - August 2021

Hi, I hope you are keeping well.We have been to UK and back twice in the last couple of months, braving the heatwave and the confusing barrage of ever-changing COVID restrictions. My mother is nearly ninety, and my partner's mother had her 100th birt...

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Aug 03, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - July 2021

Hi, I hope you are keeping well. Do skip to the end for book offers if my burbles don't interest you. Also, if you wish to unsubscribe, there is a button at the foot of the email.Life here has been busy, as usual. I re-acquired my (now wobbly) grandp...

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Jul 06, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - June 2021

Hi, I hope you are keeping well, and content with your life.I had a milestone birthday yesterday, and I'm now officially retired! All those wasted years earning money to make other people rich are fast disappearing down the funnel of bad dreams. Onwa...

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Jun 06, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - May 2021

Hi, I hope you are well and happy. Here in West Cork, the sun is shining, the cherry tree is in blossom, and we have healthy rows of young veg started. Our son, a tree surgeon, has cut down an overgrown hedge that was threatening my precious greenhou...

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May 03, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - April 2021

Hi, I hope you are well and happy.Gale force winds and the occasional deluge have given way to some sunny days, finally. The birds are nesting, tweeting their little hearts out, and eating all the buds off our cherry tree. I've started the veg seeds...

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Apr 04, 2021
BookSweeps Thriller Giveaway

Hi, Booksweeps don't always fall at the month end, so this is a supplement to my usual newsletter. It's available for just one week. Click on the image below to enter, for a chance to win a brand new e-reader with its complementary 50 books.Here's an...

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Mar 22, 2021
Onward and Upward Newsletter - storyboard link

Huge apologies for another email.It appears that the link to my storyboard for March didn't work, though I did test it prior to hitting send. So here it is again. It means a lot to me that you are interested in following my renovation project and my...

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Mar 05, 2021