Onward and Upward Newsletter - December 2021

Dec 04, 2021 8:02 pm



As they say in Ireland, there's nothing sure in life except death and taxes...

Well, today I'm in England, somewhat out of the blue. My 90-year-old mother has been waiting years for a hip replacement, becoming ever more disabled, in extreme pain, and suddenly there's a cancellation, did she want it? Yes!!! Because of COVID, however, instead of a six day recovery period patients are kicked out the next day... but the operation couldn't go ahead unless there was someone to care for her full time at home. Cork airport is closed, so I get a train to Dublin, spend 130 euros to sleep for the night in a featureless room, fly to Bristol, and the rest is (good) history. There is something truly uplifting in seeing someone go from 'I don't want to live any longer' to 'I think I'm going to buy a blue carpet for my bedroom'.

Home Front Renovations

You have seen the extension being built, so I thought I'd share some of what is going on inside. The Utility room is at the garden end of the extension, and a lot of the clutter we've been living with in the main house has now largely been relocated. The whole renovation project has involved moving stuff from one room to another, and not being able to find something you know you have, somewhere.



I have had little time for my own writing this month, having fully and drastically edited another book, this time, a fiction called the First Heresy, by Eddie Hobbs, an Irish television presenter. I believe he is self-publishing, but to date I have no further information. It is a novel that spans eras, from mediaeval Ireland back to the Knights Templar, the sad loss of the ancient library at Alexandria in Egypt, when Christianity, in its infancy, was destroying anything it perceived to be 'pagan'. Some interesting ideas and historical facts are rattled around in the novel.




And a well-written novel for for young adults:

In the 5th century AD, the tumultuous kingdom of Iberia is invaded by an army of steppe warriors loosely aligned with the powerful Byzantine empire. The royal family is slaughtered except for one 16 year old princess, Agata de Bagration. Alone in the forest with a young half-brother and wholly without shelter or protection, Agata must adapt or perish. In a tale of trust, courage, betrayal and adventure, she becomes the leader of other female survivors but no one is perfect, least of all an inexperienced young princess. A fast paced adventure for those who enjoy believable characters set in historic, medieval kingdoms with palaces and wild, rugged mountains.


If you are new to my list, and would like to review one of my books, check out my website, and email me. I will send you a link to the book of your choice. I welcome feedback on my writing.

Happy Reading


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