Onward and Upward Newsletter

Hi, The sun is burning in Ireland. Interspersed by days of deluge, it provides the perfect weather for creating potholes in the roads. The manic requirement to make hay means there are huge tractors dashing around the tiny roads, pulling even bigger...

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Jul 10, 2024
Kindle Unlimited Christmas Extra

Hi, *** HAPPY CHRISTMAS ONE AND ALL ***Kindle Unlimited Christmas Bonus* * *Even if you choose not to take any of the books from the offers, do please click on some links - it would help my 'share' statistics. I have been refused entry to some promot...

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Dec 15, 2023
Onward and Upward Newsletter - October 2023

Hi, Just back from driving Mum home to UK from Ireland. An exhausting two days of motorway driving - north to Rosslare, across the Irish Sea, and south from Pembroke to Somerset. We were on the tail end of storm Agnes, so the return journey to Irelan...

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Oct 01, 2023
Onward and Upward Newsletter - September 2023

Hi, It looks as if we are in for a sunny September, which will be welcome, as my mother (91) is due to arrive in 2 days. She will need our living room as a bedroom, so lots of shifting around is in order - where does that dust come from? I've been la...

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Sep 03, 2023
Onward and Upward Newsletter - August 2023

Hi, In turn, the sun has shone, the rain has fallen, the wind has blasted... but life is presently viewed from behind glass as I beaver away at my writing obligations. One little thing that fell in my lap this month was a kitten. Discovered starving...

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Aug 01, 2023